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Liszt Ferenc: Two Legends

New, expanded edition

Revised by Kaczmarczyk Adrienne
Edited by Mező Imre – Sulyok Imre
Setting: Piano
Series: Separate editions from the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition
Period: Romantic
Length: 52 pages
Format: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 0.11 kg
Published: 1982
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 12313
ISMN: 9790080123133
Among the two legends which can be found in this publication, the first is entitled St. François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux (St. Francis of Assisi Preaching to the Birds). St. Francis established the Franciscan order which Liszt dedicated himself to as a secular confrere in 1865 following his ordination. Within this work, Liszt draws inspiration from the 14th-15th century anthology Fioretti di San Francesco which tells of St. Francis preaching to a group of birds.
The second legend St. Francis of Paola Walking on the Waves, is based on the theologian Giuseppe Miscimarra's story of St. Francis of Paola and his establishment of Ordo Minimorum (the smallest Franciscan order). This edition is unique in that it contains an alternative, easier version of the second legend in addition to the definitive version.

This revised (2019) version contains not only musical scores of excellent quality, but also a detailed preface in English and German as well as critical notes in English.

(Hungaroton HCD12769)


Légendes - R 17, SW/SH 175, NG2 A219 - No. 1 St. François d’Assise: Die Vogelpredigt
Légendes - R 17, SW/SH 175, NG2 A219 - No. 2Der heilige Franziskus von Paola auf den Wogen schreitend
Appendix - No. 2 St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots, Version facilitée
R (17/2), SW (175/2), NG2 A219, SH 175/2bis
Sound samples are used by the permission of Hungaroton Records, BMCBBCC and the composers.

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