Singstimme mit Klavier
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Kodály Zoltán: Énekszó

Songs on Hungarian Popular Words


Op. 1
Übersetzung von Gray, Cecil
Besetzung: Singstimme mit Klavier
Periode: 20. Jahrhundert
Sprache: ungarisch, englisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 36 Seiten
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Erscheinungsjahr: Dezember 2021
Verlag: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Artikelnummer: 15155
ISMN: 9790080151556
Zoltán Kodály's op. 1, Énekszó (Singing), this series of songs written on Hungarian folk poetry, first appeared in 1921 at Rózsavölgyi Publishing House. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first edition, a facsimile edition of the work and a new edition with Hungarian and English texts has been published, with great help of Mrs. Kodály née Sarolta Péczely.
The series of songs written between 1907 and 1909 simultaneously reflects the composer's first encounter with Hungarian folk songs and Debussy's song poetry. Kodály, who later composed numerous arrangements of folk songs for both solo voice and choir, uses only the texts of folk lyrics in these songs, the melodic world, although reminiscent of Hungarian folk songs in several ways, stems from his own melodic invention. And in piano accompaniments, you can feel the experimental spirit and atmosphere-creating power of the young composer at the same time.


Three the ways
Come to me
The cage is open wide
I neither toil nor spin
My delightful brown-haire mistress
Oh, how long it is since we met
He who loves a fair one
I have always wondered
Slender is a silk thread
Ah, my beloved
Let not your angerise
Now it's clear
Never again
Do you think that I would sorrow
Ah, but you know
I plucked the fairest flowers
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