This First Book of Practical Studies is designed to develop chord consciousness and to provide additional experience in the fundamental rhythms, key signatures and articulations and to improve accuracy in reading through the use of interesting and melodic studies. It may be used…
This book on the tuba is a companion for composers and players alike, deepening their understanding of this somewhat neglected family of instruments. It gives tuba players an opportunity to master and employ new performance techniques on their instrument, particularly in contemporary…
pour SAXHORN BASSE Sib ou Ut avec Accompagnement de Piano
Hangszer/letét: Tuba és zongora
Korszak: XX. század
Kiadó: Alphonse Leduc
Cikkszám: AL24753
Composed by Joseph Edouard Barat, Introduction and Dance was written for Bb or C Saxhorn and Piano. Written for upper beginners, this piece is composed 1/3 by the introduction and 2/3 by the dance. Starting quite slow, the tempodoubles when the piece becomes a dance. Very melodic…
Composed in the summer of 1984, Yorkshire Ballad was premiered at the Kansas Bandmasters Association Convention by Claude T. Smith and the Kansan Intercollegiate Band. Since its publication, it has become one of the composer'smost popular works, and has been arranged for a variety…
Kiadó: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Cikkszám: 15182
"E kompozícióm Szentpáli Roland felkérésére készült 2021 nyarán. Megismerve a tuba repertoárját két kompozíciós irány rajzolódott ki számomra: az egyiknél a zeneszerzők alulbecsülték a hangszer lehetőségeit és az előadók technikai felkészültségét, a másiknál a hangszer - egyébként…
Edited by Robert King and published by Alphonse Leduc, 70 Studies for B flat Tuba - Volume 1 by Vladislav Blazhevich contains the first 42 studies out of 70. These studies do not correspond to a method for tuba and it is generallyunderstood that 70 Studies are actually inspired from…
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