Editio Musica Budapest is proud to announce the release of the extended and revised edition of Zoltán Kodály: Choral Works for Mixed Voices.
Seventy-five years after their first release, the time has come for Kodály’s collected choral works for mixed voices to appear in a completely new, expanded edition. This collection contains six compositions that were not included in earlier editions. It is printed in a slightly larger format than previous editions and is available in a hardcover version as well as a softcover version for practical purposes. We whole-heartedly recommend the canvas-bound edition to libraries, collectors, and Kodály enthusiasts alike.
This is the most complete and most authentic collection of Kodály’s mixed choruses to date, and it contains new easily-legible music scores and an informative epilogue written by Péter Erdei.
More information on the publications can be found here.
The great choral festival EUROPA CANTAT was held this year in Pécs, Hungary, on 24 July to 2 August. The event is justifiably well known worldwide for its standard and its inspiring atmosphere. The festival, held every three years in a different country, presents a colorful cavalcade of programs for those attending it to choose from. The choral festival offered almost 50 workshops for singers, as well as special events for conductors, composers, and the youngest age group of little children.
Editio Musica Budapest, as a partner in EUROPA CANTAT, has published the festival song book, and the scores required by the chorus members for workshops can also be ordered through us. We contributed to the musical expo an exhibition featuring our own catalog and representing several publishers from all over the world.
Folklore shows, dance houses, culinary programmes as well as workshops all contribute to its gorgeous atmosphere. No one having visited us will ever forget Hungarian hospitality, the delicious food and wine.
Considering all this it is not surprising at all that the BBCC has been the birthplace of lots of professional relationships, close friendships, and even love throughout the years.