Ár: $19.67 (áfa nélkül)
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John Thompson's Adult Piano Course

Book Two

kotta és online tartalom

Szerző: Thompson, John
Hangszer/letét: Zongora
Sorozat: John Thompson's Adult Piano Course
Műfaj: Gyakorlat, etűd
Nehézségi fok: 1
Terjedelem: 96 oldal
Súly: 0,341 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 2015
Kiadó: Willis Music
Cikkszám: WMR101585
Más kiadói szám: WMR101585
ISMN: 9781783057528

With a fully revised and updated edition, Book Two of the renowned John Thompson 's Adult Piano Course has been tailor-made for the adult beginner, who is getting to grips with the basics ofPiano playing. The accompanying download card will allow you to hear how each example should be played, allowing you to continue your progression smoothly from Book One

John Thompson 's PianoCourse has long been the standard for beginning Piano tuition, and now the Adult Piano Course ignites the flame for older beginners who have decided to take up that most valuable pastime inlaterlife, as it truly is never too late. Featuring authoritative instructions and advice that is practical and useful, this second volume of the hugely popular Piano tutor series explores the techniques and theory that were introduced in the first book, but in greater depth and detail, as well as introducing new, more advanced concepts that you will be learning for the first time. Book Two of the John Thompson's Adult Piano Course will guide you through concepts such as pedal points, new chord studies, grace notes, syncopation, arpeggios, staccato, major and minor scales and many more essentialconcepts, all the while using fantastic music to illustrate and contextualise the ideas. With its authoritative tone and comprehensive instructions, you 'll be building on everything you learned in the first book in no time at all.
As in the previous vtheory and musicality, providing you with good examples on which to focus your practising of a particular technique. If you have a teacher, they will be able to decide how best to use the book, but if you are teaching yourself it 's still an incrediblyou are teaching yourself it's still an incredibly useful and efficient tool for helping you make the most of your abilities.
John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course
Ének és zongora
Zongora négykezes
Zongora négykezes
Zongora négykezes
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Szerzői jogi tájékoztatás

A hatályos Szerzői Jogi Törvény értelmében tilos jogvédett mű kottáját reprográfiai módszerekkel (fénymásolás, szkennelés, fényképezés stb.)  másolni a jogtulajdonos engedélye nélkül.

A tilalom vonatkozik a zeneiskolai és magáncélú másolásra is.

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(A fénymásológépek és egyéb reprográfiai eszközök árába korábban beépített "jogdíj" a kották vonatkozásában 2004-ben megszűnt.)