Vivaldi, Antonio: Sonate per violino e basso continuo

RV 11, RV 37 Opere Incomplete, Critical Edition e Ricostruzione di M. Talbot

Édité par Talbot, Michael
Genre: Musique de scene
Période: Baroque
Degré de difficulté: 3
Pages: 44 pp
Poids: 0.172 kg
Date du parution: 2017
Editeur: Ricordi
Numéro d’édition: PR00144000
Cotage de l'editeur: PR 00144000
ISMN: 9790041914404
Critical edition by Michael Talbot. The vast majority of violin sonatas from Vivaldi’s time, including those of Vivaldi himself, have come down to us in the form of a score employing two staves: one for violin, and one for bass. This guarantees that, although portions of the work may be missing, what survives is textually complete. Exceptionally, five of Vivaldi’s violin sonatas are preserved solely in a partbook for violin held by the Diözesanarchiv, Graz, the complementary part for cello havin
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