Music For Kids: Are We There Yet?

Noten mit CD

Besetzung: Gesang und Gitarre
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 48 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.262 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Verlag: Music For Kids
Artikelnummer: MFK100078
ISMN: 9781780385563
Music For Kids: Are We There Yet? features 18 fantastic sing-along tunes ideal for filling the time on family journeys. With melody line and chord symbols suitable for a range of smaller instruments that adults and children will love to play, such as Ukulele, Keyboard and Recorder. How many times have you been on a long family car journey and heard those resounding words 'are we there yet?' Boredom and weariness are a thing of the past with Are We There Yet, a collection of fun songs that anyone can sing and enjoy. All of these songs are the ones that everyone loves, so they are a really great way to pass some time and introduc emusicality.

Each song features the melody line as well as lyrics, so that you and your children can learn the songs together before singing them on any long journey. Also included is an audio CD of all the songs, so you can sing along with the professionally recorded tune as well! The library of Guitar and Ukulele chords is useful if you or one of your children wants to play the tunes on an instrument, bringing a new musical dimension to your family singalongs. Fun-filled activity pages will bring a slight intermission to your group performances with stickers to complete some exciting scenes.

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