Jazz Improv Basics

Jazz Play-Along Volume 150

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Besetzung: Bb, Es or C instrument
Anzahl der Seiten: 154 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.514 kg
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Artikelnummer: HL00843195
For use with all B-flat, E-flat, C and BC instruments, the JAZZ PLAY ALONG SERIES is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. With musician-friendly lead sheets, melody cues, and other split-track choices in the includedaudio which is accessed online, this first-of-its-kind package makes learning to play jazz easier than ever before. FOR STUDY, each tune includes a split track with: - Melody cue with proper style and inflection - Professionalrhythm tracks - Choruses for soloing - Removable bass part - Removable piano part. FOR PERFORMANCE, each tune also has: - An additional full stereo accompaniment track (no melody) - Additional choruses for soloing. In this specialinstructional edition, technical concepts used in jazz improvising are covered in detail - from scales to chord progressions to ii-V-I patterns. And in true Jazz Play-Along fashion, there are also plenty of play-along tracks basedon common chord progressions and songs, so you can apply the concepts you learn righ t away in context. Topics covered include: essential chord-to-scale relationships - making music with scales - chord tones - adding chromatics ■other scales - fundamental harmony - the ii-V-I progression - advanced harmony - must-know progressions - improvising - modern concepts in improvising - suggested listening.
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