Vaartstra, Brent: Visual Improvisation for Jazz Guitar

Understand and Command the Fretboard

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Besetzung: Gitarre
Anzahl der Seiten: 144 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.494 kg
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Artikelnummer: HL00191843
ISMN: 9781495071454
Jazz music forces guitarists to learn their fretboards. There is no getting around it. In all of its harmonic complexities and demands for virtuosity, there is no choice but to head on down the bumpy road to fretboard mastery.Enter Visual Improvisation for Jazz Guitar - a comprehensive practice method for understanding and commanding the fretboard. Through a system of visually connecting the shapes, patterns, and intervals of the fretboard, this bookand audio pack will be your guide to fretboard freedom. Topics include: triads and seventh chords: altered chords and extensions: scales and arpeggios: licks and exercises: audio demonstrations: fretboard diagrams: and much more!The price of this book includes access to audio online, for download or streaming, using the unique code inside. Includes PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, setloop points, change keys, pan left or right.
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