Klikovits, Christian: Pop Keyboard Concepts

Musicians Institute Master Class

Noten mit Download-Code

Besetzung: Keyboard
Anzahl der Seiten: 148 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.488 kg
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Artikelnummer: HL00145419
Do you play acoustic piano? Electronic keyboard? Hammond organ? Clavinet? Is your preferred genre pop? Rock? R&B? Funk? Soul? Folk? If you answered yes to any of these, this publication is for you. Pop Keyboard Concepts is thego-to book for all keyboard practitioners of popular music. This book covers all the basics, from scales and chord progressions to rhythm and melody. But the real meat of the book comes in Practical Application. Here, you'll learnabout comping patterns, harmonized scales, and how to solo in a variety of styles - from funk to dance groove to R&B. Topics include: scale types and application - chord types and progressions - rhythmic subdivision andsyncopation - improvisation concepts - comping patterns - ideas for soloing - and more. Demo tracks for all the exercises are accessed online for download or streaming using the unique code in each book.
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