Blues Banjo

Lessons, Licks, Riffs, Songs & More

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Besetzung: Banjo
Anzahl der Seiten: 64 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.236 kg
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Artikelnummer: HL00116844
Best-selling author Fred Sokolow teaches you how to play blues on the banjo with this instructional book and audio pack! You'll learn: how to play the blues in several banjo tunings: how to play in the styles of blues greats likeMississippi John Hurt, Lightnin' Hopkins, B.B. King, Skip James, and many more: licks, scales, chords, turnarounds and boogie backup: several approaches to soloing: how to ad lib blues licks and solos in any key: how to play theblues up and down the neck: and more. Includes these classic blues tunes: Ain't Nobody's Business - Careless Love - Frankie and Johnny - John Henry - The Midnight Special - Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out - See See Rider■ St. James Infirmary Blues - St. Louis Blues - and more. Also includes chord grids, standard notation and tablature, audio tracks for all the songs, licks and exercises in the book, with banjo and vocals. The price of this bookincludes access to audio tracks online for download or streaming using the unique cod e inside the book! Online audio is accessed at
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