Przystaniak, Peter: More Hands - One Piano

Verlag: Edition Peters
Artikelnummer: EP11106
Verlagsnummer: EP 71047
ISMN: 9790014109165
Group instruction at the piano has become increasingly important at music schools and centres. Though a wealth of music exists for piano four-hands, introductory pieces for three or four players at a single piano are almost non-existent.
More Hands - One Piano contains 12 pieces, both traditional and new, arranged for three to four players. Starting at a very easy level, the pieces progress in difficulty and explore almost the entire range of the keyboard, and secure rhythm and ensemble playing is encouraged from the earliest stages.
The book includes an accompanying CD with full versions of all of the pieces, as well as play-along versions at a slower tempo for individual practice.


Au clair de la lune ╩ Traditional
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