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Easy Concert Pieces 3

14 Pieces from 4 Centuries

Noten mit CD

Herausgegeben von Mauz, Rudolf
Besetzung: Klarinette und Klavier
Reihe: Easy Concert Pieces (Schott)
Anzahl der Seiten: 72 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Verlag: Schott
Artikelnummer: ED22624
ISMN: 9790001162814
The series Easy Concert Pieces offers a rich treasure trove of easy -to -play musical literature for lessons, concerts and leisure time - carefully compiled by Rudolf Mauz from a pedagogical point of view. So the booklet is an idealaddition to any clarinet school. From baroque to modern, the pieces cover an enormous range of styles and provide variety. The piano voice is simple and ideal for student auditions. If no pianist is at hand, the professionallyrecorded CD is a duet partner. Volume 1 (ED 22622) contains easy pieces that can already be played by beginners in the first two years of the lesson. The highest note of the clarinet is the a1. Many pieces move only in lowposition. Volume 2 (ED 22623) contains pieces ranging in the clarinet part to c1 '. The dreigestrichene situation remains however left out. Rhythmics, articulation and phrasing are somewhat more demanding in Volume 2 of the EasyConcert Pieces than in Volume 1. The selected pieces encourage the design of the melody and differentiation of dynamics, and various simple ornaments are included. Volume 3 (ED 22624) contains pieces whose pitch extends partlybeyond the c1 '. The selection of the pieces aims at a promotion ofthe musical design and the individual expressiveness. This strengthens the previously acquired instrumental and musical -interpretiveabilities and skills.
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