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Easy Concert Pieces 2

19 Pieces from 5 Centuries

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Herausgegeben von Thielemann, Kristin
Besetzung: Trompete und Klavier
Reihe: Easy Concert Pieces (Schott)
Anzahl der Seiten: 56 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Verlag: Schott
Artikelnummer: ED22556D
ISMN: 9790001213370
The Easy Concert Pieces series presents easy to intermediate pieces for trumpet with piano accompaniment. Pieces typical of their era and suitable for auditions, public performance, competitions or examinations are ordered according to level of difficulty in three volumes. These Easy Concert Pieces also provide appealing additional material for use in trumpet lessons. All the pieces are recorded and included for audio download with each book, both in full and playback versions (piano accompaniment) . In addition to the enclosed part for trumpet in Bb, a part for trumpet in C (Schott ED 22555 -01) is available for download at www. schott -music. com [1]. Volume 1 (ED 22555) containsvery easy to easy pieces with a range up to written C', with d ' appearing as a short top note in just a few pieces. Simple and memorable rhythms, readily playable note sequences and patterns of articulation that can be mastered quickly and easily make this book ideal for beginners. Volume 2 (ED 22556) contai ns easy to intermediate pieces with a range no higher than f '. Besides extending rhythmic scope and requiring a little more in terms of phrasing and articulation, these pieces will encourage further exploration of musical contrasts. Volume 3 (ED 22557) is of medium difficulty and intended for players with a well -developed embouchure who can play notes up to written g ', though this note only appears as a short top note. Flexible articulation and legato playing with a well -developed dynamic rahose in the preceding volumes. Links: - - - - - -[1] http: //www. schott -music. com
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