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Grade by Grade - Flute

Noten mit CD

Herausgegeben von Way, Janet
Besetzung: Flöte und Klavier
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 64 Seiten
Verlag: Boosey and Hawkes
Artikelnummer: BH12881
ISMN: 9790060128813
The Grade By Grade series draws on the rich and varied Boosey & Hawkes catalogue of classical, contemporary and educational repertoire, highlighting composers including Serge Prokofieff, Dmitri Shostakovich, Karl Jenkins, Carol Barratt and Christopher Norton, alongside arrangements of traditional music from around the world by Peter Wastall, Vera Gray and others.Carefully selected by Janet Way, this practical anthology provides the complete repertoire resource for the aspiring Grade 4 flautist and creates the perfect package for teaching, exam preparation and performance.Each volume contains:- 19 pieces & short studies, each complemented by a useful practice and performance tip - grade-appropriate scales and arpeggios linked to the repertoire through bespoke text and exercises - brand new sight-reading activities - newly-commissioned aural awareness tasks - a piano accompaniment booklet Packaged with a CD of full performance demonstrations, piano backing tracks, and grade-appropriate a ural awareness resources.Janet Way is an experienced performer and teacher. She is a tutor for the LRAM woodwind teaching course at the Royal Academy of Music, and has worked as a mentor and diploma examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. She is founder and director of the internationally-acclaimed Oxford Flute Summer School.


Hurdy-Gurdy (Dances Of The Dolls) [Shostakovich, Dmitri]
Down At The Drive In [Pogson, Steve]
Duet [Berbiguier, Benoit]
Three Sketches No. 1 [Ferguson, Howard]
Tonight (West Side Story) [Bernstein, Leonard]
Lyke As The Bird That Swallows Hight [Whythorne, Thomas]
Study [Gariboldi, Guiseppe]
Gigue [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
A Little Mo'Satch [Isacoff, Stuart]
lotus talk [Evans, Colin]
Fantasia [Telemann, Georg Philipp]
Siciliana & Giga [Handel, George Frideric]
Study [Tulou, Jean Louis]
Carthorse Rag [Norton, Christopher]
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