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The Little Black Songbook: Acoustic Hits


Besetzung: Text with chords
Gattung: Pop, Rock
Gewicht: 0.3 kg
Verlag: Wise Publications
Artikelnummer: AM92107
ISMN: 9780711942332

The Little Black Songbook: Acoustic Hits is a bumper songbook, packed to the limits with chords and lyrics for over 130 acoustic songs from the biggest names in rock and pop music.

From thefolk-tingedclassics of Joni Mitchell and Johnny Cash to the pure pop perfection of Coldplay, Dido and David Gray, you will never again be stuck for that special song no matter what the occasion.Whetheryou have dreams of busking on the streets, playing in a café in New York City, or just playing in your bedroom, this Little Black Songbook is guaranteed to unleash the potential of your acousticGuitar.

Each song has been carefully arranged for Voice and Guitar in the same key as the original recording, with the complete lyrics and chords, as well as a really handy chord-box reference sheet.

ThisLittle BlackSongbook is the perfect companion for any Guitarist, because the songs vary in difficulty and, let's be honest, who doesn't love the warm, rich sound of an acoustic Guitar? So if you've ever wanted tolearn the greatestacoustic songs of all time, classics like Brown-Eyed Girl, Knockin' On Heaven's Door and Imagine, pick up the Little Black Songbook: Acoustic Hits today and start playing straightaway.

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