The Complete Ukulele Player Songbook 2


Besetzung: Ukelele
Gattung: Pop, Rock
Anzahl der Seiten: 48 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Verlag: Wise Publications
Artikelnummer: AM1010460
ISMN: 9781783059393
The Complete Ukulele Player Songbook 2 contains another sixteen classic and contemporary songs that have been expertly arranged for Ukulele and Voice. The perfect companion to the unique Complete Ukulele Player tuition method and the first volume of accompanying songbooks, these great songs are specially selected to get you strumming, singing, and enjoying playing the Uke. This brilliant collection of tunes takes inspiration from how fantastically the Ukulele sounds when reinvigorating classic songs. Eight popular tunes have been married with either more classic traditional songs, making one songbook that's packed with tunes that are simply great fun to play. With popular songsold and new like the classics Dancing Queen and The Beatles' In My Life, as well as the contemporary pop hits Budapest by George Ezra and Seasons (Waiting On You) by Future Islands, The Complete Ukulele Player Songbook 2 brings so many top hits of the pop and rock world to your Ukulele. Not only this, but a furth er selection of traditional tunes are included like Auld Lang Syne, Greensleeves and The House Of The Rising Sun , letting you learn those old favourites that everyone is sure to know. All songs in the Complete Ukulele Player Songbook 2 are arranged for Ukulele and Voice, letting you strum and sing on your own, or with a big group. Full lyrics are included, as well as Ukulele chord boxes and suggested strumming patterns, ensuring you nail every word and chord of these songs that are great fun to play as well as helping you progress on the instrument. The songbook is accessible and enjoyable, fitting such a fun and popular instrument as the Uke. The surge in popularity of these accessible instruments in recent years means old favourites like the songs in this book have fresh lives breathed into them, and we're sure you'll have great fun playing all sixteen tunes.
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