Learn To Play Harmonica

Playbook - A Handy Beginner’s Guide!


Besetzung: Mundharmonika
Gattung: Methode
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 1
Anzahl der Seiten: 80 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.057 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Verlag: Wise Publications
Artikelnummer: AM1008425
ISMN: 9781783054572
Whether you are learning from scratch or just want a quick reference guide that you'll always have with you, make your practice perfect with a pocket-sized Playbook: Learn To Play Harmonica . The book is small enough to fit in your pocket so is absolutely ideal for quick reference, or just keeping it with you at all times. Despite its convenient size, a wealth of fundamental information is packed into these 80 pages, all divided into bite-sized portions for easy and practical learning. Playbook: Learn To Play Harmonica covers all of the basic techniques you'll need to get started - from holding the instrument and learning to breathe correctly to keeping the beat and bending. Asthe guide progresses, more and more techniques are revealed such as trill, wah and tremolo, with fun tunes to play that exhibit these. Furthermore, there is a useful glossary and recommended listening list to inspire you to play like the pros. With this handy book you'll learn all the essentials, including chords and the blues scale. Not only this, but interesting information on some of the world's best known Harmonica players, such as Bob Dylan and Little Walter, is also included. Perfect for beginners, this pocket-sized Playbook will get you playing the Harmonica in no time at all.
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