Mule, Marcel: Thirty Great Exercises or Studies 1


Besetzung: Saxofon
Gattung: Etüde
Verlag: Alphonse Leduc
Artikelnummer: AL20224
Thirty great exercises or studies after Soussmann- Book 1 is the first volume of series of two, written by Marcel Mule . Inspired by Soussmann's exercise book and adapted to Saxophone, these studies for intermediate players are divided with 15 studies in the first book and 15 in the second. Written in G key with up to 7 sharps, these studies will develop the technical skills and the sonority of the saxophonist. With breathing indications, it will help the players to advance in endurance too. Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is one of the greatest French saxophonist, renowned worldwide for his work on the classical Saxophone repertoire. He was teaching his students how to obtain a goodquality of sound and believed it was dependent on the embouchure, the emission, the mastery of vibrato and thus of breathing. He wrote different methods that focus on technique, articulation and tone productions such as 'Eighteen Exercises or studies'or 'Daily Exercises after Terschack' among others.
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