Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Quartet in F KV 370 [368b]

for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Violoncello


Übertragung von Enzel, Christoph
Besetzung: Zwei oder mehr Saxophone
Besetzung: 4 Saxophones [SATBar]
Periode: Klassik
Anzahl der Seiten: 52 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.26 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
Verlag: Advance Music
Artikelnummer: ADV7679
ISMN: 9790206300912
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote the oboe quartet in F, K-number 370, early in 1771 for the oboist Friedrich Ramm. In an impressive manner, this composition gives expression to the intimacy inherent in Mozart´s chamber music: After the introduction of the theme by the soloist, the supporting voices join in taking an active part in the musical flow of the first movement and converting the oboe´s soliloqui into a dialogue. An expressive, marvellous theme dominates the second movement, the suspense of which does not ease until the composition proceeds to the concluding rondeau - a rondeau almost bursting with its exuberant joie de vivre. This composition certainly ranks with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart´s best-known and most beautiful pieces of work. On the occasion of the Mozart Year 2006 I have ventured to write an arrangement for the saxophone quartet clair-obscur. To a large extent, I have retained the original key and octave positions, for the parts which include technical difficulties well- tried alternative ossia possibilities are available. Mozart's oboe quartet is a real MUST and represents a great musical challenge to each saxophone quartet.
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