Rastro y Belascoaín


Besetzung: Zwei oder mehr Saxophone
Besetzung: 4 Saxophones [AATBar]
Anzahl der Seiten: 24 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.12 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Verlag: Advance Music
Artikelnummer: ADV7474
ISMN: 9790206307379
This quartet has been composed for and, with great affection, been dedicated to the Havana Conservatory of Music in Cuba, where I myself work as a teacher. This composition aims at reflecting an ordinary day filled with everyday activities, revealing different states of mind - with high spirits prevailing -, dynamism as well as unusual noises such as car horns, which I have tried to reproduce, for instance, in the final notes in bars 40, 41, 43 and 45. What mainly manifests itself throughout this work is a spirit of jazz (a genre that is very popular among music students, especially here at our conservatory). A correct execution of the off-beats and syncopations is of great importance, particularly with regard to the baritone sax, which occasionally assumes the part of the bass as it does for example in part A and, above all, in part D, where it provides a jazzy accompaniment for the soloists, performing bebop style accents (see bars 31, 32, 131 and 132) and riff-like phrases (as is do ne as of bar 116). Please note that the saxophonists, according to preference, may take turns in performing the solos, they should, however, be careful not to exaggerate things in order to prevent the baritone from being overstrained.
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