Harlow, Ed: Easy Funk Play-Along

An easy way to improvise with 10 great tunes

Buch und CD

Besetzung: Saxofon (A)
Reihe: Play-Along Groove Collection
Gattung: Jazz, Blues, Latin
Sprache: englisch, deutsch, franzözisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 32 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.17 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Verlag: Advance Music
Artikelnummer: ADV14825
ISMN: 9790206310010
Single and group useEasy Funk Play-Along by Ed Harlow contains 10 catchy riffs and tunes for beginners! You can play the melodies along to the fantastic play-along tracks, provided by The Boston Horns. The background parts and rhythmic hits can be played by your teacher or up to three more friends. For group use, combine the editions for flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, tenor sax, and trombone at will, and set up your rhythm section with additional parts available for guitar, piano, electric bass, and drum set.For beginning improvisersEach piece has a written solo which can be played to the play-along tracks or with a live rhythm section. If improvising is new to you, this is the ideal book to work with. Learn the pentatonic scale provided for each piece and your solos will sound great!


Tuning Notes
Baby Blurred My Boogie
Funkasaurus Rex
Funk 'n Dunk
Eat Your Greens
Ace Fighter
Code 9
Water Moccasin
Messy Bunk Beds
A Thousand Souls
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