Ricker, Ramon: The Beginning Improviser, Vol. 1

The Ramon Ricker Improvisation Series

Buch und CD

Gattung: Jazz, Blues, Latin
Sprache: englisch
Gewicht: 0.52 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: Januar 1996
Verlag: Advance Music
Artikelnummer: ADV14801
ISMN: 9790206304453
Volume one is for the absolute beginning jazz student who knows his/her major scales. Subjects covered in this book include. VOCABULARY: Intervals, Roman Numerals, Scales, Modes, Diatonic Seventh Chords, Major, Minor, Dominant, and Suspended Chords, Chord/Scale Relationships, The Blues Progression, Using Pentatonic Scales with Blues, Pentatonic Chord/Scale Relationships, The II-V-I Progression, Rhythm Changes, The Circle of Fifths, and The Circle of Fourths, and Steps for Playing on Changes. STYLE: Swing Eighth Notes, Use of the Metronome, Scale Practice, and Scat-Singing Solos. EAR TRAINING: Specific examples and suggestions with recorded tracks for practice. REPERTOIRE: A suggested basic repertoire. This improvisation method is more than just another play-along. It is a series of books and CDs that progress step by step, offering concrete suggestions and advise that shows you how and what to practice. Drawing on twenty-five years of teaching experience at the Eastman School of Music, Ramon Ricker uses text, recorded demonstrations by him and his students, and practice and play-along tracks that present the material in a clear and concise manner. Most of the play-along tracks feature the rhythm section of the 1980 Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Big Band with Harold Danko on piano, Rufus Reid on bass and the late, great Mel Lewis on drums. Since they performed and recorded together consistently over a period of several years, they played as a unit - a true jazz rhythm section. The recordings were brought up to meet todays higher CD standards and served as an inspiration for Ramon Ricker to write three entirely new books. In addition, new demonstration, ear training, and play-along tracks were added.
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