Spiro, Michael: Introduction to the Conga Drum (DVD)

Sprache: englisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 36 Seiten
Gewicht: 0.217 kg
Verlag: Faber Music
Artikelnummer: 94922154415
ISMN: 9789188942241
An instructional DVD for absolute beginners or anyone needing a solid foundation in conga drum technique. Two hours of world-class instruction by Grammy-nominated percussionist, author, recording artist and professor, Michael Spiro. Beautifully photographed from three different camera angles, and divided into easy-to-find chapters for convenient replay. PART I - Easy to follow, step-by-step approach to learning all the basic strokes and sounds on the conga drum, regardless of the style of music you want to play. PART II - Dozens of exercises to help you combine the basic strokes into patterns that are the staple of all conga drum playing. PART III - Some basic Afro-Cuban rhythms are explained in detail, including the parts played by each conga drummer in an ensemble, how they relate to clave, and how to combine them if you are the only drummer in a group.
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