Részletes keresés
11 Top Hits for Viola
Instrumental Play-Along
Albéniz, Isaac: Tango
Alessandri, Giuseppe: Esercizi e Letture per viola
Ad Uso Dei Candidati All'esame di 8 Anno di viola
Alle Jahre wieder
Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder
Anderson, Julian: Prayer for solo viola
and was first performed by Lawrence Power at the Wigmore Hall, London, on 5 March 2009.
This short piece (8 minutes) explores the rich and varied tone of the viola. The basic trajectory…
Anth?mes 1
Anzoletti, Marco: 12 Studi per viola
Ariosti, Attilio: Six Sonatas 'Stockholmer Sonatas' 2
for Viola (Viola d'amore) and Bc in B-flat major, G minor, A minor
Arnold, Malcolm: Concerto for Viola (viola and piano)
Malcolm Arnold's spry Concerto for Viola and chamber orchestra was first performed in 1971. The soulful middle movement is the lyrical and emotional heart of the piece and showcases some of Arnold's most adventurous…
Aveu Passionne. Album of Popular Pieces. Arranged for Viiola and Piano
Griboedov A. Waltz
Liadov A. Op. 57 No. 1. Prelude
Glinka M. Barcarole
Tchaikovsky P. Declaration of Love
Rachmaninov S. Op. 3 No. 5. Serenade
Scriabin A. Op. 9 No. 1. Prelude
Mussorgsky M. Gopak from opera ''The Fair at Sorochinks''
Bacewicz, Grażyna: 4 Capricci per Viola
(S. Kamasa)
Bacewicz, Grażyna: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra
Bacewicz, Grażyna – Campagnoli, Bartolomeo: Theme with Variations
(M. Szaleski)
Bach Johann Sebastian - Vieuxtemps Henri: Bach J.S. Fantasia cromatica. Arranged for viola solo by Z. Koday. Vieuxtemps H. Capriccio for viola solo
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 3 Sonatas
for Viola (orig. for Viola da Gamba) and Harpsichord) BWV 1027-1029
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 5 Suites
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 6 Suites
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 6 Suites for Solo Violoncello BWV 1007-1012
Edition for Solo Viola
Transcribed for Viola by Simon Rowland -Jones.
Bach, Johann Sebastian: Air BWV 1068
from the Orchestral Suite No. 3
Bach, Johann Sebastian: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 BWV 1051
(Instrumental Ensemble)
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