Ár: 1.500 Ft (áfával)
Online fizetéssel: Azonnal megvehető
Bolti átvétellel: Rendelhető, készleten van

Gerencsér Rita – Ordasi Péter: Miklós Kocsár

Hungarian Composers 13


Műfaj: Kortárs művek
Nyelv: angol
Terjedelem: 32 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2001
Kiadó: Mágus Kiadó
Cikkszám: MZ13EN
ISMN: 9789638278982
The year 2000 proved to be a memorable one for Miklós Kocsár. In March he was awarded the Kossuth Prize - Hungary’s highest state award for culture. Shortly before, at the Mini-Festival held in the Vigadó in Pest performances of his choral works were greeted with a standing ovation. During the summer a Kocsár Choral Competition was held in Tokyo, and a total of more than 50 of his compositions was enthusiastically acclaimed by a capacity audience.

Although internationally recognised as a composer of innovative choral works his many chamber works, pieces for wind instruments and concertos testify to his interest in instrumental music.

Kocsár’s compositional style is noted for the vocal style of his melodic writing, an emphasis on beauty of sound and strict formal proportions.

This monograph is the first overall account of his music, and includes a complete list of works and select bibliography.

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