Ár: 6.840 Ft (áfával)
Online fizetéssel: Szállítási idő 15 nap
Bolti átvétellel: Szállítási idő 15 nap

Barnes, James: Yorkshire Ballad

Hangszer/letét: Tuba
Terjedelem: 12 oldal
Súly: 0,066 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 2000
Kiadó: Hal Leonard
Cikkszám: HL03776312
Más kiadói szám: HL03776312
ISMN: 9781581062113
Composed in the summer of 1984, Yorkshire Ballad was premiered at the Kansas Bandmasters Association Convention by Claude T. Smith and the Kansan Intercollegiate Band. Since its publication, it has become one of the composer'smost popular works, and has been arranged for a variety of ensembles. The composer writes I composed this little piece so that younger players would have the opportunity to play a piece that is more or less in the style of(Grainger's) Irish Tune from County Derry.

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