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Rona, Jeffrey: The Midi Companion

The Ins, Outs and Throughs

Hangszer/letét: Zenei technológia
Terjedelem: 96 oldal
Súly: 0,335 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 1994
Kiadó: Hal Leonard
Cikkszám: HL00183500
Más kiadói szám: HL00183500
ISMN: 9780793530800
Here's your complete guide to using MIDI synthesizers, samplers, soundcards, sequencers, computers and more! The MIDI Companion shows how a MIDI system or systems for a wide range of situations can be assembled quickly,easily and trouble-free. Describes how to synchronize MIDI sequencers, drum machines, multitrack equipment, SMPTE-based equipment, and other MIDI instruments. Describes each and every MIDI code and the techniques used intransmitting these codes between various MIDI devices. Explains how to get the most out of any musical situation that calls for the use of synthesizers and electronic musical instruments. This totally new edition includes moreinformation on the actual applications and musical uses for MIDI. A complete chapter devoted to General MIDI, plus the charts for GM sounds. Two additional new chapters on The MIDI Studio and MIDI And The Personal Computer. Newdiagrams, updated diagrams, new graphics. Profusely illustrated with pictures, photographs and diagra ms, and also includes a detailed glossary.

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