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Brower, Russel: Lament Of The Highborne

Music from World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade


Szövegíró: Duke, Derek
Hangszer/letét: PVG (zongora-ének-gitár)
Műfaj: Filmzene, musical
Nyelv: angol
Terjedelem: 6 oldal
Kiadó: Alfred Music Publishing
Cikkszám: ALF36584
Alfred Music is proud to present officially licensed, collectible sheet music and songbooks from the soundtrack of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft, the world's most popular massive multiplayer online role-playing video game. Composed by Russell Brower with lyrics by Derek Duke, the haunting, beautiful melody of "Lament of the Highborne" exemplifies the unique richness of Blizzard's video game music, which transports listeners to a world of fantasy in the same manner as history's most beloved motion picture soundtracks.

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