Ár: 10.060 Ft (áfával)
Online fizetéssel: Szállítási idő 15 nap
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Hüe, Georges: Premier Solo De Cornet A Pistons

avec accompagnement de Piano

Hangszer/letét: Trombita és zongora
Nyelv: angol
Terjedelem: 20 oldal
Súly: 0,11 kg
Kiadó: Alphonse Leduc
Cikkszám: AL24679
Más kiadói szám: AL24679
ISMN: 9790046246791
Composed by Georges Hüe for the Conservatoire Contest (1900), 1st Solo of Cornet is a piece for Cornet and Piano accompaniment, dedicated to J. Mellet. Quite difficult (6), it would demonstrate well the skills acquired by anadvanced player during a contest but can also be performed for a recital as it's eminently enjoyable. Written in Bb minor, the piece starts with the succession of lyrical parts by the Bassoon accompanied by the Piano and of somequieter ones with a more predominant Piano and a slower Bassoon. The piece then continues with a more energetic part reminiscent of a march, supported by some chords on the Piano. It closes on a faster section in Molto Vivace. Itis really important for the Cornet player to master his breathing to execute this piece effectively. Georges Hüe (1858-1948) is a French musician and composer who composed numerous Operas including one created after the storiesby Perrault.

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