Ár: 3.990 Ft (áfával)
Online fizetéssel: Azonnal megvehető
Bolti átvétellel: Rendelhető, készleten van

Lafosse, Andre: Vade-mecum du tromboniste


Hangszer/letét: Harsona
Műfaj: Gyakorlat, etűd
Terjedelem: 56 oldal
Súly: 0,237 kg
Kiadó: Alphonse Leduc
Cikkszám: AL21647
Más kiadói szám: AL21647
ISMN: 9790046216473

Régi ár 14100 Ft

The Trombone player's Vade Mecum was composed by André Lafosse for advanced trombonists who are preparing for their exams. Divided into three parts, this piece covers all the necessary elements to prepare the exams: - Thefirst one focuses on technical challenges: minor common chords, melodic minor scales, diminished sevenths, high and low scales, chromatic scales progressing in thirds - The second corresponds to a scale of an octave insemi-quavers, each of its degrees being the starting poi

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