Tishchenko, Boris: Andante espressivo. For Violoncello and Harp

Hangszer/letét: Gordonka, Hárfa
Nyelv: orosz
Terjedelem: 12 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 1997
Kiadó: Compozitor
Cikkszám: 9790706407791
ISMN: 9790706407791
Boris Ivanovich Tishchenko (1939-2010) is rightfully one of the greatest creators of contemporary music. The most serious test that the music of the twentieth century was destined to go through - the desire for radical innovation, which often led to an almost complete loss of the style's individuality - the composer overcame, leaving it fully armed with technology, but retaining the instant recognition of his music.
Boris Tishchenko wrote in virtually all existing genres - from unaccompanied melodies to supersymphony. For half a century of composing, he has created over a hundred works. Tishchenko's music is closest to the work of D. D. Shostakovich, with whom Tishchenko studied in the graduate school of the Leningrad Conservatory and with whom he was on friendly terms until the end of the great master's life.
Tishchenko's music conveys a picture of the modern world, perceived and captured in the harmony of the sharpest contrasts. The cataclysms of the outer world are fully ref lected in the structure of the inner life of a person, which the composer closely examines in his work.
Boris Tishchenko is the author of a number of cello compositions and several compositions with the participation of the harp (among the latter, the most prominent place is occupied by the Concerto for Harp and Orchestra, written in 1977).

Andante Espressivo is a play written in 1978 as part of the soundtrack for a motion picture. This lyrical and dramatic piece is in many ways akin to the slow movements of sonatas.
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