Poddubny Sergei: Singing Trumpet. Pieces by the modern composers for Trumpet and Pianos. Middle and senior level of

Hangszer/letét: Trombita és zongora
Nyelv: orosz
Terjedelem: 72 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2011
Kiadó: Compozitor
Cikkszám: 9790706406367
ISMN: 9790706406367
The collection ''Singing Trumpet'' is compiled of the pieces for trumpet and piano created by the modern Petersburgian composers and intended for music schools (senior forms) and colleges. Everything is stipulated by the necessity of mastering the skill and the thirst for modern interesting repertoire.
The idea of this collection belongs to Sergei Poddubny, author of the Concerto for Trumpet and the Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra, the first composition of this genre in music history. Due to his eager and resourceful energy many talented composers were attracted to this collection. New masterpieces appeared, being created by the true Masters with individual music style, the ones practicing in academic and popular music spheres. Some of them resort to it for the first time. However, all the composers were inflamed by the noblest objective of music education and culture to be inculcated in society. The new opuses are distinct for genre diversity, brilliant virtuosity and inner c antilena instilled to its texture. The collection ''Singing Trumpet'' accumulates technical and artistic goals, this successful musical combination.
Hopefully, the new collection will be cream of crops, enriching young trumpeters’ concerts and everyday life.


G. Portnov. Little Ballad. For trumpet and piano
V. Pleshak. Game. For trumpet and piano
L. Rezetdinov. Dwarfs’ dance. For trumpet, piano and several percussions
S. Pleshak. View to the Neva. From the cycle ''Promenade along the Hermitage''. For trumpet and piano
V. Fadeyev. Chastushechka. For trumpet and piano
V. Rimsha. Eternal Call. Poem for trumpet and piano
S. Poddubny. To the Fair. For trumpet and piano
S. Poddubny. Fantastic Wending. For trumpet and piano
G. Korchmar. Two pieces for trumpet and piano
1. Notturno
2. Scherzo
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(A fénymásológépek és egyéb reprográfiai eszközök árába korábban beépített "jogdíj" a kották vonatkozásában 2004-ben megszűnt.)