Milich, Boris: Playing the Piano. Vol. 6.


Hangszer/letét: Zongora
Nyelv: orosz
Terjedelem: 96 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2005
Kiadó: Kifara
Cikkszám: 9790706363196
ISMN: 9790706363196
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the year regarding the study plan.
The selection of works, their sequence, and deeply thought-out pedagogical edition are based on many years of teaching experience of professor B.E. Milich. He taught hundreds of children in his studio-school. A number of works of the repertoire that are now permanently included in the practice of children's music school are written by special pedagogical order of professor B.E Milich in terms of genres, textures, degrees of difficulty, pianistic techniques and were refined with his participation to more effectively achieve the goals.

Works included in the collection contribute to the enrichment of accumulated previously and to the problem solving of this certain segment of training. The genre-stylistic framework of the program repertoire is not iceably expanding. Two-voice works have a large role in an imitation collection of polyphonic literature. The figurative system of large form compositions is expanding and more serious attention is paid to the ensemble play and sheet reading. The pedagogical edition takes into account the growing importance of raising the performing skills, the expanded use of dynamic nuances and pedaling, and the appearance of new, more complex techniques of piano texture and elements of chord-interval presentation. The art-pedagogical repertoire includes piano music from different eras and styles.

Material on teaching methods of the works included in the ''Piano'' that analyzes and forms of working with students/children in 1-7 grades is found in B.E. Milich's book ''Education of piano pupil''. The book is a textbook for the course of teaching piano methods and it is suitable for the teachers of children's music schools, for students of music universities and colleges, as well as for the te


J. S. Bach. Dvukhgolosnaja inventsija fa major
J. S. Bach. Dvukhgolosnaja inventsija mi major
G. Handel. Fugetta No. 3.
D. Kabalevskij. Preljudija i trekhgolosnaja fuga (''Vechernjaja pesnja za rechkoj'')
J. S. Bach. Kuranta. Iz Frantsuzskoj sjuity No. 2
J. S. Bach. Trekhgolosnaja inventsija si minor
E. Jutsevich. Fuga
J. S. Bach. Allemanda. Iz Frantsuzskoj sjuity No. 3
D. Kabalevskij. Preljudija i dvukhgolosnaja fuga
L. Beethoven. Sonata No. 9. Chast I
N. Silvanskij. Variatsii
A. Mozart. Sonatina No. 19. Chast I
L. Beethoven. Shest variatsij na temu iz opery D. Paiziello ''Melnichikha''
J. Haydn. Sonata No. 2. Chasti II i III
I. Berkovich. Variatsii na temu russkoj narodnoj pesni
D. Kabalevskij. Legkie variatsii
M. Musorgskij. Sleza
A. Grechaninov. Zhaloba
B. Prokofiev. Tarantella
F. Schubert. Skertso
D. Shostakovich. Waltz-shutka
P. Tchaikovsky. Mart. Pesn zhavoronka. Iz tsikla ''Vremena goda''. Soch. 37
A. Ljadov. Bagatel
G. Sviridov. Dozhdik
E. Grieg. Poeticheskaja kartinka
J. -B. Lully. Kuranta
L. Beethoven. Bagatel
A. Cherepnin. Bagatel
F. Mendelson. Pesnja bez slov
3. Kodaj. Pesa No. 3. Iz sbornika ''Sem pes dlja fortepiano''
A. Khachaturjan. Muzykalnaja kartina
R. Glier. Eskiz
A. Ilinskij. Volchok
B. Kosenko. Tokkatina
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