Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Little Night Serenade (parts I, III). Symphony No.40 (parts I, III)

Nyelv: orosz
Terjedelem: 48 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2004
Kiadó: Compozitor
Cikkszám: 9790660008652
ISMN: 9790660008652
The ''Compozitor Publishing House'' (St Petersburg) publishes the series of unusual arrangements for piano, four hands. Their aim is to deliver the beginning pianist, who has just mastered the elements of the piano technique, from the inferiority complex and to give him the opportunity to feel the uncomparable artistic joy from performing ''high'', ''adult'' music on his own, from coming into immediate contact with masterpieces of the world's classics, in particular, with orchestral works, of large forms.

Arrangements are made so that one of the parts of the piano ensemble (in some cases Primo, in some Secondo) is simple to the utmost and absolutely accessible to the beginning pianist. The other part, naturally, takes an additional load and requires well wielding the instrument. And, in contrary to the ordinary arrangements, the main thing is to make music sound not as that adapted to the want of skill, but as sungineous music, without reduction and simplification. In the orch estral works the texture of the arrangements follows their originals with the highest figelity.

In the series we find the greatest classics of music represented by the most famous works. Therefore it may serke to the general musical education of lessons of the musical history or piano. The series may undoubtedly arouse interest of numerous lovers of classical music who, for their insufficient technique, cannot play usual piano transcriptions.

Symphony No. 40
1st movement
3rd movement. Menuetto
Little Night Serenade
1st movement
3rd movement. Menuetto
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(A fénymásológépek és egyéb reprográfiai eszközök árába korábban beépített "jogdíj" a kották vonatkozásában 2004-ben megszűnt.)