Pudovochkin, Eduard Vasilevich: Fireflies. Pieces for Violin ensemble and Piano. Step 11s

Nyelv: orosz-angol
Terjedelem: 40 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2013
Kiadó: Compozitor
Cikkszám: 9790352205802
ISMN: 9790352205802
Eduard Pudovochkin - violin teacher and artistic director of a Children’s Violin Ensemble ''Fireflies'', developed a special method of musical training of children of 5 and 6 year old, that combines violin technique with ear training, a sense of rhythm, musical memory and aesthetic values.

These are not typical violin lessons. Instead, the lessons are more like a merry game, with leading the children in musical games, marches and dances.

Dr. Pudovochkin completed graduate work at the Saratov Conservatory, practiced in the Leningrad State Conservatory (Russia) and published numerous articles and method books in the former USSR, Germany and USA. The Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg issued Eduard Pudovochkin’s methods ''Violin First - ABC Then'', ''ABC First - Violin Then'', educational aid ''Violinist’s Technical Skill'' (in two parts), ''Fireflies'' (steps 1-12).

These pieces are intended for children ensembles, beginning with the first steps of st udying to the highest levels of skill. The author generalized in them more than twenty-years experience of practice with ensembles in Russia and in the USA.
Eduard Pudovochkin bases on two main principles in his method: primary forms of ensemble music making and complex development of children’s musical abilities through ensemble playing. This method’s achievements are marked during the victorious performances of the ''Fireflies (directed by Eduard Pudovochkin) in San-Francisco (California, USA), in Belgium and, of course, in Russia.
The majority of compositions, introduced in the books ''Steps 1-12'' together with the pieces collections and violin concertos, (committed like scores), are edited and arranged by Eduard Pudovochkin, impliciting the young perfomer’s musical development. This collection is compiled of the most popular and favourite compositions, loved by musicians and listeners all over the world.


G. Sviridov. ROMANCE. From the movie ''
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