Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: Complete Works, Academic Edition. Volumes 1-4. Concerto nro 1 for Piano and orc., 1. and 2. reduction. Score &

Hangszer/letét: Zongora
Nyelv: orosz-angol
Terjedelem: 864 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2015
Kiadó: Ruslania Edition
Cikkszám: 9785962802015
ISMN: 9785962802015
Vol. 1 - 1. edition. Score
Vol. 2 - 1. edition. Transcription for two pianos by the author
Vol. 3 - 2. edition. Score
Vol. 4 - 2. edition. Transcription for two pianos by the author

The project of the Academic edition of Pyotr Il'ich Tchaikovsky's complete works was launched in 2013 by the State Institute of Arts Studies and the P. I. Tchaikovsky State House-Museum as a part of the program devoted to the composer’s 175th anniversary. The new edition of Tchaikovsky's works is based on the results of both Russian and international Tchaikovsky scholarship of the late 19th and 20th centuries, it takes into account also the contemporary knowledge and the ideas formed by the beginning of the 21st century, especially in the field of musical source studies and textual studies. The edition is intended first of all for performers, teachers and students, as well as for Tchaikovsky scholars. Its aim is to present the composer’s enormous legacy (both musical and literary), as it is known today, as exhaustively as possible.
The projects task is to reproduce the texts of Tchaikovsky's works (both musical and literary) with maximum accuracy and authenticity on the basis of the principal sources reflecting the composer's ideas in every detail. The unfinished works, whose sketches and drafts are extant, will also find their place in the appropriate volumes as facsimile publications with relevant commentaries. In some cases the reconstructions of such works, made by S. I. Taneev, B. V. Asaf’ev, P. A. Lamm, V. Ja. Shebalin, S. S. Bogatyrev, and P. A. Klimov, will be published.
The whole conception of the academic edition of Tchaikovsky’s complete works, including the editorial principles and the scientific methodology, is founded on the comprehensive studies carried out by several generations of scholars who have explored the composer’s legacy and the methods of his creative work. Though the results of earlier scholarly works are taken into account, they
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