Balogh Máté: 9 dal
Edward Lear szövegeire vegyeskarra
kórus lapkotta
A mű ajánlása Lozsányi Somának szól. Ő vezényelte az ősbemutatót a Kaposi Kamarakórus élén a budapesti Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémián, 2018-ban.
Tartalomjegyzék | ||
1. | There was a Young Lady of Russia... | |
2. | There was an Old Man of Berlin... | |
3. | There was an Old Man of Madras... | |
4. | There was an Old Man of Coblenz... | |
5. | There was a Young Lady of Turkey... | |
6. | There was a Young Lady, whose nose... | |
7. | There was an Old Man of the East... | |
8. | There was an Old Man of the Hague... | |
9. | There was a Young, Young Lady of Poole... |