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Futó Balázs: Just a song férfihangra és zongorára

Hangszer/letét: Ének és zongora
Sorozat: EMB Contemporary Music
Műfaj: Mai magyar művek
Korszak: Kortárs
Nyelv: magyar, angol
Terjedelem: 4 oldal
Formátum: A/4
Megjelenés dátuma: 2008. március 1.
Kiadó: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Cikkszám: 14620
ISMN: 9790080146200
The song was written in 2003, after the composer’s spells of work with Tom Bogdan. The piece is dedicated to him and to Meredith Monk, in whose ensemble Tom Bogdan regularly appears; as a performer he has also taken part in several works by Monk. The song begins in passacaglia form, as a kind of quest for an answer, seeking the perfect solution. In the light of the failure of this to come about, the second part explains the futility of the search. First performance: March 2003.

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