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Dinyés Dániel: Komment und Zauberflöte mezzoszoprán hangra, ad. lib. fuvolára, hegedűre, gordonkára és zongorára


Hangszer/letét: Énekes kamarazene
Sorozat: EMB Contemporary Music
Műfaj: Mai magyar művek
Korszak: Kortárs
Nyelv: magyar, angol
Terjedelem: 18 oldal
Formátum: A/4
Megjelenés dátuma: 2008. március 1.
Kiadó: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Cikkszám: 14617
ISMN: 9790080146170
The composer writes about his work: „The piece was written for the 2006 Spring Festival. The wording of the commission requested me to try to express what a Mozart opera means to our era. It was as a banner rather than as an internal motto that I used this one sentence: ‚Die Strahlen der Sonne vertreiben die Nacht, zernichten der Heuchler erschlichene Macht.’ (‚The rays of the sun expel the night and annihilate the power of the Deceiver’). At that time and in our day too, only as his last utterance in the final act can Sarastro announce this to the people gathered around him.”

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