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Csapó Gyula: Hímzésminták a megrepedt Föld arculatára két klarinétra és fagottra

partitúra és szólamok

Hangszer/letét: Fúvóstrió
Sorozat: EMB Contemporary Music
Műfaj: Mai magyar művek
Korszak: Kortárs
Nyelv: magyar, angol
Terjedelem: 82 oldal
Formátum: quer
Megjelenés dátuma: 2007. november 1.
Kiadó: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Cikkszám: 14513
ISMN: 9790080145135
The composer writes about his work: My piece entitled „Embroidery patterns on the cracked surface of the Earth” can be imagined somehow as follows: two clarinets and a bassoon „write” beautifully ornamented magic formulas in the clay. As they proceed, the surface cracks into pieces. They almost finish the „writing”, but an invisible hand keeps „rearranging” the innumerable component elements. The „rearrangement” creates time hiatuses, or heaps together units of information in masses of unexpected density (in the second part, brief but condensed suddenly-emerging patterns of differing density scratch the surface of the long periods of silence); elsewhere it collides with the net of sound that carries the material and thus huge faults, ruptured tectonic plates, come into being”The complete work was first performed by the Trio Lignum (Csaba Klenyán, Lajos Rozmán, György Lakatos) in Budapest in 2005.

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