Vogralik Tatjana (4 artículos)
Vogralik: ABC of Rhythm and Beat. Educational Aid for children of junior school and pre-school period. Part II. Rhythm from word t (9790660004234) Books Vogralik: ABC of Rhythm and Beat. Educational Aid for children of junior school and pre-school period. Part IV. Metro-rhythmic fan (9790660047002) Vogralik: Metroritmicheskij bukvar. Chast 3. Ot metra stikha k metru muzykalnogo proizvedenija. Uchebnoe posobie dlja detej doshko (9790660004241) Books Vogralik: Metroritmicheskij bukvar. Uchebnoe posobie dlja detej doshkolnogo i mladshego shkolnogo vozrasta (9785737904074)