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Branham, Terry – Harrison, Gavin: Rhythmic Designs Drums

A study of practical creativity

Setting: Drumset
Genre: Pop & rock
Length: 204 pages
Weight: 0.698 kg
Published: 2010
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Item number: HL06620146
Other reference: HL06620146
ISMN: 9781423490100
Rhythmic Designs expands on the groundbreaking polyrhythmic, polymetric concepts covered in Harrison's previously published Rhythmic Illusions, Rhythmic Visions and Rhythmic Horizons books and videos byoffering detailed analysis and transcriptions of twenty drum tracks from the recent Gavin Harrison & 05Ric albums Drop and Circles (featuring guitarist Robert Fripp and keyboardists Dave Stewart and Gary Sanctuary).Along with the 204-page book of note-for-note tr
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