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Bartók Béla: Suite No. 1 for orchestra

pocket score

Op. 3
Setting: Symphony Orchestra
Series: EMB Study Scores (pocket scores)
Period: 20th Century
Length: 192 pages
Format: A/3
Weight: 0.237 kg
Published: 1981
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 40033
ISMN: 9790080400333
'The work is closest related to the 'Kossuth Symphony' inasmuch as it melds the Magyar style, represented by verbunkos melodies, with the idiom of Wagner and Richard Strauss. It features, however, a few details that prefigure the sonority of his later works, and it reveals the composer's penchant for variation, attraction to monothematic arrangement and symmetrical formation. Moreover, the large form encompassing the five movements outlines the very typical Bartókian bridge form.'
(HCD 32505 Bartók New Series Vol. 5, Virág Büky)

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