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Bella Máté: Dies irae

for mixed choir

choral sheets

Setting: Mixed Voices
Genre: Choral Work (Contemporary Hungarian)
Period: Contemporary Music
Language: Latin
Length: 16 pages
Format: B/5
Published: August 1, 2024
Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Item number: 15171
ISMN: 9790080151716
I composed my composition for mixed choir Dies Irae for the Cantemus Choir Nyíregyháza at the request of the Dunakanyar Contemporary Music Forum, in the spring of 2024. I set six sections of the nineteen three-line rhyming stanzas of the medieval poem to music. The Gregorian sequence Dies irae is one of the most arranged and quoted melodies in European music history, which is why the original melody is not used in my choral work. My composition avoids melismatic solutions, the text is set to music almost entirely syllabically. Since the content of the poem itself is melodious, the resulting rustic tone is aided by the lean rhythmic and metric panels, the extreme dynamics, and the explosive drumming of the arm. The loud and masculine tone of the composition makes it possible to experience the touching depth and power of the text.

(Máté Bella)

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