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Porpora, Nicola: Concerto in la minore

per violoncello solo, con violini e basso continuo

piano score

Edited by Orbán György
Solo part edited by Pejtsik Árpád
Setting: Violoncello and Piano
Period: Baroque
Length: 24 pages
Weight: 0.084 kg
Published: November 1, 1984
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 12802
ISMN: 9790080128022
The source of the present edition is preserved in the Archivio di Stato, Bologna. Editorial principles: In the score, the number of editorial interventions has been kept to a minimum. The original dynamic and expression markings are extremely few and far between, but precise. Only three dynamic levels are specified: forte, dolce ( = piano) and dolce assai ( = pianissimo). As regards expression markings we note the complete absence of the legato sign, though the appoggiatura, staccato, trill and two different types of bow-vibrato (both in association with dolce or dolce assai) can all be found. It is a well known fact that 18th century vibrato, obtained not by a movement of the left hand but rather by a variation in the pressure of the bow, was an expressive effect to be used with discretion and not, as today, a constant means of sound production.

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