N. A. Krjuchkov Nabokoff, Nicolas Nabokov Nabors, Jeremy M. Nachef, Joanna Nadal, David Nadel, Russell Nadelmann, Leo Naderman, François-Joseph Nádor Mihály Nagan, Zvi Herbert Nagel, Robert Nagy Nagy Imre Erik Nagy Olivér Nagy Sándor Nagy, Michał Najda E. - Smelnitskaja I. Nakaji, M. Nakamura, Nelida Naletova Irina Nancarrow, Conlon Nance, Richard Nanino, Giovanni Maria Nanny, Edouard Naoumoff, Emile Napier, James Naplan, Allan Naplan, Allan E. Napoli, Carlo Napoli, Gennaro Napoli, Jacopo Napolitano, Emilio Napolitano, Marc Napp, Cornelia Napravnik Eduard Nardelli, Maria Nardelli, Rudolf Nardini, Pietro Nardone, Peter Nares, James Naroditskaya, Inna Narro, Pascual Marquina Narvaez, José-Luis Narváez, L. de Narverud, Jacob Narverud, Jake Nasco, Giovanni Nash, D. P. Nash, Graham Nash, Kenneth Nash, Ogden Nash, Paul Naske, Elisabeth Nastasi, Mirjam Nastoll, Corina Nat King Cole Natalja Terenteva Natel, Jean-Marc Nathan, Amy Natosevic, Constanze Natschinski, Gerd Natter, Michael Naudot, Jacques-Christophe Naujalis, Juozas Naulais, Jérôme Naumann, Sigrid Naus, Wayne J. Nava, Antonio Maria Nava, Mariella Navarro Navarro, Sofia Navarro, Fats Navarro, Oscar Naylor, Charles Nazareth, Ernesto Ndaliko, Chirlie Rivers Neal, Jocelyn R. Neale, John Mason Neale, Michael Neander, Joachim Neaum, Michael Neaveill, Ryan D. Nebra, Manuel Blasco de Nechiporenko P. - Melnikov Vladimir Mikhajlovich Neciosup, Hector 'Pocho' Nectoux, Jean-Michel Ned, Guenter Nedosekin Vyacheslav Needle, Debbie Neely, Blake Negri, Antonio Eros Negri, Cesare Negri, M. Negwer, Manuel Neidlinger, William Henry Neihaus, Lennie Nejedly, Vít Nelhybel, Vaclav Nelson, Bradley Nelson, Daniel Nelson, Greg Nelson, H. Nelson, Havelock Nelson, Jeff Nelson, Jonathan Nelson, Lukas Nelson, Nigel Nelson, Oliver Nelson, Ron Nelson, Sheila Mary Nelson, Steve Nelson, Troy Nelson, Vern Nemes László Norbert Németh G. István Nemtsov, Sarah Nenadic, Veljko Nerini, Emile Neruda, Jan Krtitel Jrií Neruda, Johann Baptist Georg Nervo, Amado Ness, Patricia Van Nesta, Francis Nesterenko E. Nesterov Alexander Nesterova Nina Nesterova, Svetlana Vladimirovna Nestico, Sammy Nestor, Leo Neto, Jovino Santos Netti, Giorgio Nettles, Barrie Netto, Alberto Neubert, Günter Neuböck, Fritz Jr. Neuen, Don Neufeld, Kenneth Neugasimov, Vitalij Neuhaus Heinrich Gustavovich Neuhaus, Heinrich Neuhaus, Klaus Neukirchner, V. Neukomm, Sigismund von Neuling, Hermann Neumann, Eva-Maria Neumann, Friedrich Neumann, Friedrich Heinrich Neumann, Véroslav Neumark, Georg Neumeister, Ed Neumeyer, Fritz Neun, R.E. Neunhaber, Andreas Neunzig, Hans A. Neupokoev B. Neupokoeva I. Neupokoeva I. - Neupokoev B. Neusidler, Hans Neuwach, Johann Neuwirht, Olga Neuwirth, Gösta Neuwirth, Olga Nevada, George Nevil, Robbie Neville, Arthur Nevin, Ethelbert Nevin, Mark Nevolina Svetlana Petrovna Nevolovich Arnold NEW SEEKERS Newberry, Sara Newborn, Ira Newbury, Kent A. Newbury, Mickey Newell Williams, Aren Newell, David Newley, Anthony Newman, Billy Newman, Jonathan Newman, Randy Newquist, Harvey P. Newseekers Newsidler, Melchior Newski, Sergej Newton Newton Nix, James Newton, Ernest Newton, John Ness Newton, Keith Newton, Robert G. Newton, Rodney Newton-Rex, Ed Neymarck, Jean Ng, Lina Niblock, James Nicholas, Robert Nicholl, Matthew Nicholls, Simon Nicholls, Sue Nichols, Richard A. Nichols, Roger Nicholson, Andrew Nicholson, George Nicholson, James Nicholson, Sydney Nick, Andreas Nick, Edmund Nickel, Gordon Nickel, Larry Nicklaus, Hans Nicks, Stevie Nicola, Matteis Nicolai O. Nicolai, Otto Nicolai, Philipp Nicolet, Aurele Nicoletti, Kevin Nicolson, Richard Niculescu, Stefan Nieder, Fabio Niedt, Friedrich Erhardt Niehaus, Lennie Niehaus, Manfred Nielsen, Carl Nielsen, Michael Nielsen, Riccardo Nielson, Erik Nieman, Alfred Niemann, Walter Nietzsche, Friedrich Niggeling, Willi Nijs, Johan Nikitin, Sergej Nikitos, Dimitris Nikolaev, Aleksej Aleksandrovic Nikolaev, Andrey Nikolajew, Alexander Nikolayev, L. Nikolskaja, N. (ed.) Nikolsky, Aleksander Niles, John Jacob Nillni, Ricardo Nilson, Joel Nilsson, Bo Nilsson, Harry Nilsson, Torsten Nin-Culmell, Joaquín Ninmer, Ron Nirvana Nirvana ed. Johnson, Chad Nishimura, Akira Nitsche, Paul Niverd, Lucien Nix, Brad Nixon, Roger Noack, Elisabeth Noack, Kurt Noad, Frederick Nobis, Herbert Noble, Douglas J. Noble, Harold Noble, Liam Noble, Ramon Jr. Noble, Ray Noble, Tertius T. Noblitt, Kim Nocentelli, Leo Nocentini, Domenico Noda, Ryo Noel-Gallon, Gabriel Noetel, Konrad Friedrich Noferini, Giordano Nogareva Ju. (ed.) Nogareva Ju. (ed.) - Makarov A. Nógrádi Péter Nohl, Paul-Gerhard Nolan, Douglas Nolan, Kenny Nölck, August Noliani, Claudio Noll, Guenther Nollet, Charles Nonnenmann, Rainer Nonnweiler, Bernd Nono, Luigi Noona, Walter Nordeman, Nichole Norden, N.L. Nordenstrom, Gladys Nordhoff, Krissy Nordmeyer, Stacey Norgard, Per Norman, Andrew Norman, Monty Norred, Larry Norris, Jeremy Norris, Johny Norris, Reese J. North, Alex North, Frank Mason North, Jack North, Michael Norton, Christopher Norton, Elizabeth Norton, George A. Norton, Gregory Norton, Richard C. Nott, Julian Nottelmann, Karsten Notter, Eugen Nouza, Zdenek Nova, Riccardo Novacek O. Novacek, Ottokar Novák, Jan Novák, Ji?í František Novák, Vítezslav Novaro, Mameli Novaro, Michele Novello, Ivor Novello, Vincent Novikov Kirill Novitskaja G. Novitskaja Natalja - Rogalskaya O. Nový, Miroslav Nowak, Aleksander Nowak, Jerry Nowak, John Nowakowski, Józef Nowlin, Ryan Noyon, Joseph Nudera, Vojtech Nugent, Ted Nunes, Emmanuel Núńez, Francisco J. Núnez, Francisco J. Nusbaum, Cyrus S. Nussel, Sara R. Nussio, Otmar Nutini, Paolo Nutter, Alice Nygard, Carl Nygard, Carl J Jr (arr.) Nyitrai László Nykl, Jan Nykrin, Rudolf Nyman, Michael Nystedt, Knut Nystrom, Martin N. Kiss Zsuzsa (translated by) nach Adam Michna z Otradovic (words by) nach Antoine Houdar de la Motte (words by) nach Edward Estlin Cummings (words by) nach Erdmann Neumeister (words by) nach Franz Kafka (words by) nach J. B. C. Vial / nach E. G. F. de Favieres (words by) nach Jean-François Marmontel (words by) nach Johann Friedrich Helbig (words by) nach John Gay, John Hughes, Alexander Pope und Nicola Giuvo (words by) nach Paolo Antonio Rolli (words by) nach Pietro Metastasio (words by) nach Pietro Pariati (words by) nach Tankred Horst (words by) Nachéz, T. (transcribed by) Nachéz, Tivadar (edited by) Nachname, Vorname (edited by) Nadal, David (compiled and edited by) Nádas Katalin (words by) Nádas Katalin (translated by) Nádasdy Kálmán (translated by) Nádasdy Kálmán (words by) Nadler, Norbert (author) Nádor Katalin (edited by) Naef, Lukas (edited by) Nagel, Frank (edited by) Nagel, Frank (edited by) Nagel, Robert (revised and edited by) Nagel, Wilhelm (transcribed by) Nagy Erzsébet (compiled and edited by) Nagy Erzsébet (edited by) Nagy Erzsébet (selected and transcribed by) Nagy Erzsébet (author) Nagy Ferenc (edited by) Nagy Gáspár (words by) Nagy László (translated by) Nagy László (words by) Nagy Olivér (arranged by) Nagy Olivér (transcription for piccolo flute and piano by) Nagy Olivér (piano score by) Nagy Olivér (continuo realized by) Nagy Olivér (piano score and cadenza by) Nagy Olivér (transcribed and edited by) Nagy Olivér (editing and continuo realization by) Nagy Olivér (edited by) Nagy Olivér (revised and edited by) Nagy Olivér (transcribed and compiled by) Nagy Olivér (piano accompaniment by) Nagy Olivér (piano part revised by) Nagy Olivér (transcribed by) Nagy Olivér (edited by) Nagy Olivér (publishing and piano score by) Nagy Sándor (transcribed and edited by) Nagy Sándor (revised and edited by) Nagy Sándor (edited by) Nagy, István (arranged by) Nagy, István (edited by) Nagy, Olivér (edited by) Nagyiván Éva (author) Nakahara, Yusuke (edited by) Nakano, Hiroshi (edited by) Nándori Judit (continuo realized by) Naoumoff, Emile (arranged by) Naplan, Allan E. (arranged by) Narici, Ilaria (edited by) Nash, Graham (author) Nauhaus, Gerd (edited by) Nauhaus, Gerd (edited by) Naumann, Elisabeth (arranged by) Naumann, Elisabeth (edited by) Naumann, Ernst (arranged by) Naumann, Ernst (edited by) Naumann, Sigrid (edited by) Nauwelaers, Gérard (edited by) Nauwelaers, Gérard (arranged by) Nauwelaers, Gérard (edited by) Nawrath, Enrico (author) Naylor, C. B. (edited by) Nedved, Jirí (edited by) Needleman, Gail (translated by) Neefe, Christian Gottlob (author) Neely, Blake (instrumentation by) Neighbour, Oliver (edited by) Neighbour, Oliver Wray (edited by) Nelson, Bruce (arranged by) Nelson, Lukas (author) Nelson, Oliver (author) Nelson, Oliver (edited by) Nelson, Sheila Mary (edited by) Nelson, Sheila Mary (edited by) Nemcová, Alena (edited by) Nemec, Veroslav (edited by) Nemes Nagy Ágnes (translated by) Nemes Nagy Ágnes (words by) Németh Pál (edited by) Németh Rudolf (author) Németh Samorinszky István (transcribed by) Németh Tibor (words by) Németh Zsombor (edited by) Nerval, Gérard de (translated by) Nerval, Gérard de (words by) Nestico, Sammy (instrumentation by) Nestico, Sammy (author) Nesyba, Stefan (arranged by) Nesztor Iván (edited and arranged by) Nesztor Iván (author) Neubacher, Jürgen (edited by) Neubauer, Paul (arranged by) Neufeld, Kenneth (arranged by) Neuhaus, Klaus (edited by) Neumann, Friedrich (edited by) Neumann, Friedrich (arranged by) Neumann, Friedrich Heinrich (edited by) Neumann, Johann Philipp (words by) Neumann, Ursula (author) Neumann, Werner (edited by) Neumeister, Erdmann (words by) Neumeyer, David (edited by) Neuwirth, Goesta (edited by) Nevel, Paul van (edited by) Nevel, Paul van (edited by) Nevin, Jeff (instrumentation by) Newerkla, Nikolaus (transcribed by) Newhill, John P. (arranged by) Newhill, John P. (edited by) Newman, Joel (arranged by) Newsom, Tommy (instrumentation by) Newsome, Roy (arranged by) Newstone, Harry (edited by) Newstone, Harry (edited by) Ney Tibor (edited by) Ney Tibor (edited by) Ney, Tibor (edited by) Nicholas, William E. (author) Nicholls, Geoff (edited by) Nichols, Roger (selected and edited by) Nicolai, Otto (author) Nicolai, Philipp (words by) Nicolet-Gerhard, Christine (translated by) Nieden, Gesa zur (edited by) Nieder, Sylvia (author) Niedermüller, Peter (edited by) Niehaus, Lennie (author) Niehaus, Lennie (instrumentation by) Niemeyer, August H (words by) Nies, Otfrid (edited by) Nietzsche, Friedrich (words by) Nikolaev, Aleksej Aleksandrovic (edited by) Nimczik, Anna Catharina (edited by) Nimczik, Ortwin (edited by) Nimczik, Ortwin (author) Nirvana (author) Nischkauer, Norbert (edited by) Nishimura, Judy (edited by) Nissman, Barbara (edited by) Nitz, Manfred (edited by) Nitz, Martin (edited by) Nitz, Martin (edited by) Noack, Friedrich (edited by) Noad, Frederick (edited by) Noble, Harold (arranged by) Noblitt, Thomas L. (edited by) Noehring, Nis (author) Nógrádi László (author) Nolan, Nick (author) Noll, Guenther (author) Noll, Guenther (edited by) Nolte, Charles (edited by) Nolte, Eckhard (edited by) Nonnenmann, Rainer (edited by) Nopp, Viktor (transcribed by) Norey, Jenni (edited by) Norred, Larry (instrumentation by) Northcote, Sydney (arranged by) Northcote, Sydney (edited by) Northway, Peter (edited by) Norton, Christopher (edited by) Norton, Christopher (arranged by) Norton, Christopher (arranged by) Noss, Luther (edited by) Noth, Hugo (arranged by) Noth, Hugo (edited by) Nothnagle, Peter (edited by) Notowicz, Nathan (edited by) Nott, Kenneth (edited by) Nötzoldt, Wolfgang (arranged by) Nousis, Yorgos (arranged by) Nouza, Zdenek (edited by) Nová, Katerina (edited by) Novák, Jan (edited by) Novara, Elisa (edited by) Novel, Gerard (edited by) Nowak, Jerry (arranged by) Nowak, Jerry (instrumentation by) Nowak, Leopold (edited by) Nuenemann, Veronika (edited by) Numajiri, Ryusuke (arranged by) Núńez, Francisco J. (edited by) Núńez, Francisco J. (arranged by) Núnez, Francisco J. (edited by) Nunns, Dominic (edited by) Nunns, Dominic (transcribed by) Nunoya, Fumito (arranged by) Nusic, Branislav (words by) Nykrin, Dorothea (author) Nykrin, Rudolf (author) Nykrin, Rudolf (edited by) Nylander Ebinger, Virginia (edited by) Nysten, Lars-Henrik (transcribed by)