G. Amy Gabeaud, Alice Gabetti, Flora Gable, Milton Gabler, Milt Gabriel, Charles Gabriel, Peter Gabriel, Thomas Gabrieli, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, Tommaso GABRIELLE Gabrielli, Domenico Gabucci, Agostino Gabus, Monique Gad, Toby Gadd, Steve Gade, Jacob Gade, Niels Wilhelm Gael, Henri van Gaertner, Marie-Thérčse Gaertner, Max Gaetano Zejdler Gaetano, Rino Gagel, Reinhard Gagnebin, Henri Gagnon, Peter Gaillard, Marius François Gaines, David S. Gaines, Jason M. Gainza Guillermo Graetzer, Violeta Gainza, Violeta Gaither, Benjamin Gaither, Bill Gaither, William J. Gajate-Garcia, Richie Gajvoronskij V. Gakkel Leonid Evgenevich Gál Róbert Gál, Hans Galamian, Ivan Galante, Francesco Galante, Lorenzo Galante, Rossano Galatis, Hagen Galbreath, Ken Galetar, Charles Galian, Oscar Galilei, Michel Angelo Galilei, Vincenzo Galina, Jill Galindo, Jeff Galka, Christine Galkin Aleksandr Borisovich Gall, Johannes C. Gallagher, Noel Gallardo, Ivan Gallaspy, Devon Gallay, Jacques-Francois Galle Zh. Gallego, Martinez Galli János Galli, Raffaele Galliano, Lucien Galliano, Richard Galliard, J. E. Galliard, Johann Ernst Galliard, John Ernest Gallina Gallo, Franklin Gallo, Jose A. Gallois, Pascal Gallois-Montbrun Gallus, Jacobus Gallusser, Franziska Marie Galluzzi, Giuseppe Galos, C. Galper, Avrahm Galperin, I. - Ravel, Maurice Galperin, July Galperin, T. Galuppi Pietro Metastasio, Baldassarre Galuppi, Baldassare Galvao, Christiano Galway, James Galynin German Germanovich Gamaley J. Gambale, Frank Gambaro, Giovanni Battista Gambaro, Vincenzo Gamboa Ganapes, John Gandini, Gerardo Gandolfi, Michael Gane, Patricia M. Ganenko Nadezhda Gangi, Mario Ganne, Louis Gannon, Kim Ganon Sh. Ganon Sh.L. - Sharl Lui Ganon Gant, Andrew Ganter, Philippe Ganz, Isabelle Ganz, William Gara, Eugenio Garannikova Julija - Panova Kristina Garbarino, Giuseppe Garcia Lorca, Federico Garcia, Emanuele Garcia, Emilio Garcia, Jerry Garcia, José Mauricio Nunes Garcia, Morillo Roberto Garcia, Vinas Garcin, Gerard Garda, Michela Gardel, Carlos Gardner Gardner, Janet Gardner, John Gardner, Kara Anne Gardner, Matthew Gárdonyi Zoltán Gárdonyi Zsolt Garfinkle, Sonya Garibaldi, David Garibay, Fernando Gariboldi, Giuseppe Garland, "Red" William Garland, Joe Garland, Judy Garland, Tim Garlitsky M. (Edit.) Garmendia, Emma Garner, Tom Garnishevskaja Galina Nikolaevna Garrett, David Garrett, Lee Garrett, Marques L. A. Garrett, Siedah Garrison, Jerry Garścia, Janina Garsia Manuel Gartenlaub, Odette Garuti, Mario Gascon, Leon Vicente Gasieniec, Miroslaw Gaslini, Giorgio Gaspard, Marvin Gasparini, Francesco Gasparini, Quirino Gasser, Ulrich Gassmann, Florian Leopold Gast (Leopé), Eberhard Gastaldon, Stanislao Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo Gasuleas Gát József Gatell Gates, David Gates, Gareth Gates, J. H. Gates, Rachael Gatlin, Larry Gattermeyer, Heinrich Gatti, Domenico Gatti, Giovanni Gatti, Nazzareno Gatton, Danny Gatzen, Bob Gaubert Philippe - Taffanel Paul Gaubert, Philippe Gaude, Theodor Gaudibert, Eric Gaudio, Bob Gaudio, Castelli Del Gauffriau, Jean Gaul, Alfred Gaul, Magnus Gault, Brent M. Gaussin, Allain Gautier, Leonard Gautiero, Raffaele Gavall, John Gavazzeni, Gianandrea Gavelin, Malin Gaviniés, Pierre Gavrilin, Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilina Natalia (ed.) Gavrilov L. Gay, John Gay, Luisa Gaye, Marvin Gazard, Patrick Gaze, Heino Gazzaniga, Giuseppe Gebauer, Etienne Francois Gebauer, Etienne-François Gebauer, Francois René Gebauer, Michel-Joseph Gebhard, Hans Gebhard, Johann Gottfried Gebhard, Ludwig Gebhardt, Greta Geese, Heinz Gefeld Vladimir Olegovich Gehlhoff, Beatrix Gehricke, F.L. Geiger, Friedrich Geiger, Heinrich Geiringer, Karl Geiser, Walther Geisler, Johann Christian Geiss , Philippe Geissel, Johann Geissler, Severin Gej Ju. Geld, Gary Geld, Tom van der Geldof, Bob Gelfand Jakov Gelfeld Vladimir Olegovich Gelineau, Joseph Geller, Doris Geller, Herb Gellert, Christian F. Geminiani, Francesco Gemrot, Jiri Gemrot, Jirí Genannt, Axel Genast, Wilhelm Gendrich, Julie Gendron, Maurice Genée, Richard GENESIS Genin, Paul-Agricole Genne, Beth Gentile, Ada Gentilucci, Armando Gentilucci, Ottorino Gentry, Philip M. Genzmer, Harald Geoffray, César Geoffroy-Dechaume, Antoine Geoghean, Lucinda Geoghegan, Lucinda Georg Philipp Telemann George, Don George, Donald George, Jon George-Warren, Holly Georges, Alexandre Gerace, Marco Gerard, Charley Gérard, Philippe Gerasimov Boris Gerassimez, Alexej Gerber, Heinz Gerber, Rudolf Gerbeth, Herbert Gerencsér Ferenc Gerencsér Rita Gergely, Jean Gergieva Larisa (ed.) Gerhaher, Christian Gerhard, Roberto Gerhardt, Paul Gerlitz, Carsten Gerlof, Antje German, Edward Germanotta, Stefani Gernsheim, Friedrich Geronimi, Marco Geronymo, Jairo Gerrard, Lisa Gerrard, Matthew Gerrish, J. Gershwin, George Gershwin, Ira Gerster, Ottmar Gersthofer, Wolfgang Gertler, André Gertz, Bruce Gervaise, Claude Gervasoni, Stefano Gesner, Clark Gesualdo, Carlo Gesualdo, Don Carlo Geszler György Gesztesi Albert Gesztesi Ildikó Getalova, Olga Aleksandrovna Getalova, Olga Aleksandrovna - Bulaeva, O. Getalova, Olga Aleksandrovna - Viznaya, Irina Getchell, Robert Getchell, Robert W. Getty, Keith Getz, Noah Getz, Stan Geuting, Matthias Gevicenus, Andreas Chrysoponus Geysen, Frans Ghedini, Giorgio Federico Ghezzo Ghidoni, Armando Ghisallo, Luigi di Ghnesina, Elena Ghost, Amanda Giacchino, Michael Giacobbe, Juan Giacoma, Carlo della Giacomelli, Geminiamo Giamanco, Anthony Giampieri, Alamiro Gianella, Luigi Giannetti, Matteo Giardini, Felice de Giardiniere, David Giazotto, Remo Giazotto, Tomaso Albinoni Gibb, Barry Gibbons, Ellis Gibbons, Orlando Gibbs, Armstrong C. Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong Gibbs, Joseph Gibbs, Stacey Gibson, Bill Gibson, David Gibson, John Gibson, Mark Gibson, Susan Gidal, Marc Giddins, Gary Giefer, Willy Gielas, Robert J. Gielen, Michael Gierlichs, Eleonore Giersdorf, Jens Richard Gies, Oliver Giesbert, Franz Julius Giese, Detlef Gieseking, Walter Giesen, Tobias Gietz, Bernd Hans Gietz, Heinz Gifford, Nancy Giger, Peter Gigevich Ekaterina Vasilevna Gigliotti, Iris Cedro Norma Gigout, Eugčne Gigout, Eugene Gilányi Gabriella Gilardi, Gilardo Gilbert, Anthony Gilbert, Etienne Gilbert, Nina Gilbert, Norman Gilbert, Paul Gilbert, Ray Gilbert, William Schwenck Gilbert, Yves Gilbertson, Michael Gilchenok N. Gilio, Luciano Gilis, Antoine Gilkyson, Eliza Gilkyson, Terry Gill, Danny Gill, Denise Gill, Joanna Gill, Vince Gillan, Ian Gilles, Jean Gillespie, Dizzy Gillespie, Haven Gillespie, Robert Gillet, Georges Gillette, Jason Gilliam, Allison Gilliam, Bryan Gillies, Malcolm Gillingham, David Gillis, Don Gillock, William Gilmartin, Aaron Gilmore, Joseph H. Gilmour, David Gilpatrick, Elizabeth Gilpin, Greg Gilson, Paul Gimbel, Norman Ginastera, Alberto Giner, Bruno Ginsberg, Neil Ginsburg, Lew Gioia, Ted Giordani, Giuseppe Giordani, Guiseppe Giordani, Tommaso Giordano, Adriano Giordano, Nicholas J. Giordano, Umberto Giorgi, Roberto Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane Gipsy Kings Girard, Paco Girard, Pierre Girardi, Enrico Giraud GIRLS ALOUD Girnatis, Walter Girolamo, Giuseppe Di Gisler-Haase, Barbara Gistel, Luc Gitin N. Gitler, Ira Giudici, C. Giudici, Elvio Giuffre, Jimmy Giuliani, Emilia Giuliani, G. Giuliani, Luciano Giuliani, Mauro Giuranna, Barbara Givental Inna - Schukina Ljubov Gjeilo, Ola Gjerdingen, Robert Gkougkousoudis, Theodoros Glade, Steven Gladkov, Gennadij Igorevich Glandien, Lutz Glanert, Detlev Glanville-Hicks, Peggy Glanzberg, Norbert Glarum, Stanley L. Gläß, Susanne Gläser, Carl G. Glaser, Matt Glasgow, Michael J. Glass, Philip Glasser, Stanley Glassock, Lynn Glasunow, Alexandr Konstantinowitsch Glaus, Daniel Glazunov, Alexander Glee, Cast Glennie, Evelyn Glennie-Smith, Nick Glick, R. Sara Glick, Sara Glick, Srul Irving Gličre, Reinhold Gliere, Reinhold Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich - Taneyev Sergej Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich - Varlamov Aleksander Glinka, Mihail Ivanovics Glitter, Gary Globokar, Vinko Gloser, Carl G. Glover, Fred Glover, Roger Gluck Christoph Willibald Gluck, Christoph Willibald Gluck, Christoph Willibald (Ritter von) Glushenko Marina Aleksandrovna Gnattali, Radames Gnecchi, Vittorio Gneist, Werner Gnesina Elena Fabianovna Godár, Vladimir Godard, Benjamin Goddard, Christopher Godefroid, Félix Godfrey, A. Fred Godziemba-Trytek, Szymon Goebbels, Heiner Goebel, Johannes Goedecke, Werner Goedhart, Dinie Goedicke Alexander Feodorovich Goedicke, Alexander Goehr, Alexander Goehr, Lydia Goemanne, Noël Goens, Daniel van Goepfart, Karl Goeres, Joachim Goetze, Mary Goetze, Walter Wilhelm Goeyens, Alphonse Goeyens, Fernand Goffin, Gerry Gohl, Franziska Gohl, Michael Goines, Lincoln Gola, Zdenek Gold, Andrew Gold, Ernest Gold, Julie Goldberg, Halina Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb GOLDBERG, SETH Goldenberg, Billy Goldenberg, Morris Goldenweiser Alexander Goldfarb, Israel Goldman, Edwin Franko Goldman, Richard Franko Goldmark Károly Goldmark, Carl Goldrich, Zina Goldring, Malcolm Goldschmidt, Berthold Goldschmidt, Harry Goldsmith, Jerry GOLDSTEIN Goldstein, Gerald Golestan, Stan Goliardic Golijov, Osvaldo Golinski, Tomasz Golland, John Golle, Jürgen Gollin, Edward Golovchenko Dmitrij Sergeevich Golson, Benny Goltermann, Georg Goltermann, George Golub, Solomon Golubev Ju. Golubovskaja N. Gombert, Nicolas Gombos László Gomes, Antonio Carlos Gomes, Sergio GOMEZ Gomez, Alice Gonda János Gondai, Atsuhiko Gonzales, Luciano Pozo Gonzales, Ramon Gonzalez Yoel Gonzalez, Geronimo Gonzol, David J. GOO GOO DOLLS GOOD, CHARLOTTE Goodall, Howard Goodborn, Olive Goodison, John Goodman Goodman, Alfred Goodman, Benny Goodman, Diane Goodman, Saul Goodrem, Delta Goodrich, Bonnie Goodrich, Herbert Goodrick, Mick Goodson, Steve Goodwin, Gerald Goodwin, Gordon Goodwin, Peter Goodyear, Kay Hawkes Goodyear, Stephen Goossens, Eugene Goossens, Julio Gopinath, Sumanth Goransson, Ludwig Göransson, Ludwig Gorbachev A. - Inshakov I. Gorbman, Claudia Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy Gordon, Adoniram J. Gordon, Alan Gordon, Andrew D. Gordon, Dexter Gordon, Irving Gordon, Mack Gordon, Michael Zev Gordon, Philip Gordon, Ricky Ian Gordon, Robert Gordon, Samuel Gordon, Stanley Gordon, Stewart Gordy, Berry Gordy, Skyler Gordy, Stefan Gore, Lesley Gore, Martin Górecki, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, Henryk Mikolaj Gorelick, Kenneth Gorillaz Gorini Falco, Roberto Gorkovenko Stanislav Konstantinovich Gorli, Sandro Gorlick, Kenny Gorobets S. L. Gorp, Fons van Gorrel, Stuart Gorrell, Carmichael Gorrell, Michelle Gortheil, Bernhard Gorton, William Gosa, Travis L. Goss, John Gossec, François-Joseph Gossler, James Gosswin, Anton Gostena, Giovanni Battista dalla Gotkovsky, Ida Gotman, Kelina Gotovac, Jakov Gotskosik, Oleg Gottehrer, Richard Göttert, Karl-Heinz Gottlieb, Jack Gottschalk, Louis Moreau Göttsche, Gunther Martin Göttsche-Niessner, Friedgund Gottschick, Friedemann Gottwald, Lukasz Goudimel, Claude Gould, Danny Gould, Elaine Gould, Glenn Herbert Gould, Morton Goulding, Ellie Gounod, Charles Gounoud Charles - Sarasate Pablo Gourrin, J. Gourse, Leslie Gouse, Charles Gouse, Charles F Gout, Alan Gouvy, Theodore Gover, Gerald Governor, Deborah Govorushko M.P. (comp.) Gow, David Gower, Robert Gowik, Krystyna Goykovich, Dusko Gozenpud Abram Graafsma, Debbye Graap, Lothar Grabiński, Włodzimierz Grabner, Hermann Grace Joy, Beverly Grace, Harvey Grachan Moncur III Grachev V. (ed.). - Petrov Vsevolod Nikolaevich Gracie, Jean Gradenwitz, Peter Grady, J. Graef, Friedemann Graener, Paul Graetzer, Dina Graetzer, Guillermo Graf, Al Graf, Hans Graf, Kathrin Graf, Norbert Graf, Peter-Lukas Graf, Richard Graf-del-Toro, Otto Graf-Martinez, Gerhard Gragnani, Filippo Graham, Brendan Graham, Joseph Graham, Michael Graham, Peter Graham, Richard Grahame, Kenneth Grain, Joe Grainer, Ron Grainger, George Percy Aldridge Grainger, Percy Aldridge Gramaglia, Susanna Granados i Campińa, Enric Granados, Enrique Granata, Giovanni Battista Granato, Maurizio Grande, Ariana Grandi, Alessandro Grandis, Renato de Grandjany, Marcel Grandval, Marie Félicie Clémence de Grange, Philip Grant, Grant, Alexander GRANT, AMY Grant, Bob Grant, Catherine Grant, Eddy Grant, Rand Grant, Robin Grant, Rodgers Grant, Roger Mathew Grantham, Donald Grases, Christian Grases, Cristian Grases, v Grassel, Jack Grassi, Eugene-Cinda Grasso, Gerardo Grateful Dead Grau, Eduardo Graul, Barry Grauman Leonid Graun, Carl Heinrich Graun, Johann Gottlieb Graun, Karl Heinrich Graupner, Christoph Graus, John Grave, Floyd Grave, Margaret Graves, John Gravitz Gray, Barry Gray, David Gray, Donald Gray, James Kevin Gray, Jerry Gray, Kirk J. Gray, Macy Gray, Michael Gray, Ruth Morris Grayston, Yves Graziani, Carlo Graziani, Ivan Grazioli, Giovanni Battista Graziosi, Giorgio Greated, Clive Greated, Clive Alan Greaves, Thomas Greb, Benny Grebenschikov Boris Borisovich Grechaninov Alexander Tikhonovich Grechaninov, Aleksandr Grechukhina R. (ed.) Greco, Eugene Greco, Vicente Green Day Green, Adolph Green, Fred Pratt Green, Freddie Green, George Hamilton Green, Grant Green, J. Green, James E. Green, John Green, John W. Green, Johnny GREEN, KEITH Green, Lucy Green, Peter Green, Philip Green, Todd Greenaway, Gavin Greenberg, Steven Greene, Alan Greene, Buddy Greene, J. William Greene, Maurice Greenfield, Howard Greenspan, Charlotte Greenwald, Helen M. Greenwich, Ellie Greenwood, Jonny Greenwood, Lee Greer, Bruce Greer, Bryan Greer, David Gregh, Louis Gregor, C. Gregor, Cestmir Gregor, Christian Gregora, Franz Gregory, Thomas Gregoryk, Joan Gregson, Edward Gregson, Harry Gregson-Williams, Harry Greher, Gena R. Greif, Olivier Greig, Charlotte Greig, Daniel Greiner, Alvin Grempler, Martina Grenerin, Henry Gretchaninov, Alexander Gretchaninov, Alexander [Grechaninov, Aleksandr] Gretchaninow, Alexandr Grethen, Luc Grétry, André Ernest Modeste Gretry, André Modeste Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste Greving, Manfred Grey, Al Gribbin, Deirdre Gridin Viktor Grieg, Edvard Grier, Francis Grier, Gene Grier, Lita Griffes, Charles Tomlinson Griffin, Adrian D. Griffin, Johnny Griffin, Jon Griffin, Julie Griffin, Patty Griffina Irina - Tarasova Natalja Griffiths, Jane Griffiths, Paul Griffitts, J. Grigny, Nicolas de Grigoreva I. (ed.) Grigoreva I.L. (sost.) Grigoriev, B. Grigorjan Anait Surenovna Grillo, Fernando Grimes, David Grimm, Heinrich Grimmer, Frauke Grimshaw, Arthur Grimshaw, Mark Gringolts Ilja Grinshtejn S. Grisey, Gérard Gritton, Peter Groban, Josh Groeber, Hoge Groeger, Bertrand Groemer, Gerald Groenemeyer, Herbert Groenke, Kadja Groff, Daniele Grohl, Dave Gronert, Mathias Groote, Inga Mai Große, Friedrich II. der Große-Schware, Hermann Großmann, Thomas Gross, David Gross, John Gross, Walter Grosse, Friedrich der Grosse-Schware, Hermann Grossi, Maria Grossma, Stefan Grossman, Larry Grossnick, Friedrich Grosspietsch, Christoph Grosvenor Grosz, Wilhelm Grotenhuis, Dale Grotte, Nicolas De La Grover, Neil Grovlez, Gabriel Grubb, Suvi Raj Gruber, Franz Grüber, Franz Gruber, Franz Xaver Gruber, Gernot Gruber, HK (Heinz Karl) Gruber, Rudolf Gruber, Uli Grudzień, Jacek Gruenberg, Louis Gruener, Micaela Grumbach, Marthe Grümmer, Paul Grün, Anselm Grundahl, Nancy Grundman, Clare Grunenwald, Jean-Jacques Grusin, Dave Grützmacher, Friedrich Grycs, Stephen Gschwendtner, Hermann Guaccero, Domenico Gualdi, Henghel Guami, Giuseppe Guandalini, Gina Guaraldi, Vince Guarnieri, Adriano Guarnieri, Camargo Guastavino, Carlos Gubaidulina, Sofia Gubitosi, E. Gubitosi, Emilia Guccini, Gerardo Gudmondsdottir, Rosa Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Pelle Gudova E. - Smirnov Valentin Georgievich Guenther Guenther, Fr. Francis Guerau, Francisco Guerini, Francesco Guerre, Juan Luis Guerrero, Francisco Guerrero, Jacinto Guettel, Adam Guezec, Jean-Pierre Gugel, Heinrich Guglielmi, Luis Guide, Richard de Guignon, Jean-Pierre Guijano, Francisco Deballi Fernando Guilain, Jean Adam Guilaumier, Christina Guilfoyle, Conor Guilhaud, Georges Guillemain, Louis-Gabriel Guillou, Jean Guilmant, Alexandre Guilmant, Félix Alexandre Guilmant, Félix-Alexandre Guinaldo, Norberto Guinand, María Guinjoan, Joan Guizar, Pepe Gulbins, Max Guljanitskaja N. Gülke, Peter Gullickson, Karen Gullo, Pascual De Gulyás László Gümbel, Martin Gumpelzhaimer, Adam Gundlach, Michael Gungor, Michael Gunn, Donna Louise Gunnarsson, Eythor Gunning, Christopher GUNS N' ROSES Günther, Ursula Guo, Wenjing Gur, Golan Gureev S. Gurevich Vladimir Gurilyov Alexander Lvovich Gurilyov Alexander Lvovich - Bulakhov P. Gurjanova L. Gurkov V. (ed.) Gurlitt, Cornelius Gurlitt, Manfred Gurman, Mat Gurney, Ivor Guschina L. (ed.) - Stoklitskaya E. (ed.) Gushee, Lawrence Gustafson, Bruce Gustafson, Don Gustafson, Dwight Gustafson, Gerrit Gustafson, Grant Guthrie, Woody Gutierrez, Giorgio Gutkin, Lisa Gutzwiller, Johanna Guy, Barry Guy, Buddy Guyonnet, Jacques Guzman, Christian Guzmán, Juan Tony Gvozdetskij A. Gwizdalanka, Danuta Gyöngyösi Levente Gyöngyössy Zoltán Győrffy István Gabetti, Flora (edited by) Gabler, Friedrich (arranged by) Gábor József (transcribed by) Gabrielová, Jarmila (edited by) Gabriely, Irith (edited by) Gábry György (edited by) Gabucci, Agostino (arranged by) Gade, Jacob (author) Gaertner, Eduard (edited by) Gaertner, Ernst (arranged by) Gagne, Danai (edited by) Gaitis, Friedrich (edited by) Gál Zsuzsa (translated by) Gál, Hans (edited by) Gál, Hans (edited by) Galambos János (piano score by) Galiegue, Marcel (edited by) Gall, Johannes C. (edited by) Galler, Tobias (edited by) Gallo, Denise (edited by) Gallo, Franklin (arranged by) Gallo, Paul (edited by) Galper, Avrahm (arranged by) Galway, James (edited by) Galway, James (arranged by) Galway, James (transcribed by) Galway, James (arranged by) Galzounov, Alexandre (edited by) Gambaro, Giovanni Battista (transcribed by) Gamerra, Giovanni de (words by) Gand Lebland Bailli Du Roullet, Marius-François-Louis (words by) Gandonniere, A. (words by) Ganz, Clemens (edited by) Garai Gábor (words by) Garay György (edited by) Garay György (methodic explanations and fingering by) Garay György (arranged by) Garay János (words by) Garbarinio, Giuseppe (edited by) Gardel, Carlos (author) Gardner, Matthew (edited by) Gardner, Ward (arranged by) Gardon, Olifour (edited by) Gárdonyi Géza (edited by) Gárdonyi Zoltán (edited by) Gárdonyi Zoltán (edited by) Gárdonyi Zsolt (edited by) Gárdonyi, Zsolt (edited by) Garland, Tim (arranged by) Garner, Gary (edited by) Garścia, Janina () Gärtner, Helmut (edited by) Gärtner, Hermann (arranged by) Gärtner, Hermann (edited by) Gassmann, Michael (edited by) Gastaldi, Anne-Lise (edited by) Gastaldo, Renato (arranged by) Gaston, Ed (instrumentation by) Gát József (edited by) Gát József (edited by) Gát, József (arranged by) Gaul, Magnus (edited by) Gautier, Jeanne (arranged by) Gautier, Théophile (words by) Gavall, John (edited by) Gavin, Seßn (author) Gavrila-Serbescu, Liana (edited by) Gay, John (words by) Gazdag Erzsi (words by) Ge, Andrea (edited by) Gebler, Tobias Ph von (words by) Gebser, Jean (words by) Geck, Martin (edited by) Geck, Martin (edited by) Gedge, D. (edited by) Geerl, H. (arranged by) Geffert, Johannes (edited by) Geffert, Johannes (edited by) Gehring, Holger (transcribed by) Geibel, Emanuel (words by) Geiger, Juergen (edited by) Geiringer, Karl (translated by) Geiringer, Karl (edited by) Geisselbrecht, Peter (edited by) Geissler, Severin (arranged by) Geletzky, Johann (arranged by) Geller, Doris (arranged by) Geller, Doris (edited by) Gellert, Christian F. (words by) Gellhorn, Peter (edited by) Gémesi Géza (edited by) Geminiani, Francesco (transcribed by) Gemrot, Jirí (transcribed by) Gendron, Maurice (arranged by) Gendron, Maurice (edited by) Gentz, August (edited by) Genuit, Werner (edited by) Genzmer, Harald (edited by) George, David St. (edited by) George, Stefan (translated by) Georgi, Konrad (edited by) Georgii, Walter (edited by) Georgii, Walter (arranged by) Georgii, Walter (edited by) Gerardy, N. (arranged by) Gerassimez, Alexej (arranged by) Gerber, Rudolf (edited by) Gerbert, Rudolf (translated by) Gerbert, Rudolf (edited by) Gerdts, Susanne (author) Geréb Kázmér (words by) Gerendás Péter (composer) Gergely Ágnes (translated by) Gergely Éva (words by) Gergely Ferenc (edited by) Gergiev, Valery (author) Gerhard Weinberger (edited by) Gerhard, Anselm (edited by) Gerhardt, Paul (words by) Gerhartz, Leo Karl (author) Gericke, Hermann Peter (edited by) Geringas, David (arranged by) Gerisch, Michael (transcribed by) Gerl, Christoph (arranged by) Gerlach, Eva (edited by) Gerlach, Reinhard (edited by) Gerlach, Sonja (edited by) Gerlach, Sonja (edited by) Gerlitz, Carsten (edited by) Gerlitz, Carsten (arranged by) Gerlitz, Carsten (author) Gerlitz, Carsten (edited by) Gerlitz, Carsten (arranged by) Germer, Karin (edited by) Gerou, Tom (edited by) Gershwin, George (author) Gershwin, George () Gershwin, Ira (author) Gershwin, Ira (words by) Gerster, Ottmar (arranged by) Gersthofer, Wolfgang (edited by) Gertler Endre (transcribed by) Gertler Endre (bowings and fingerings for the violin part provided by) Gertler, André (arranged by) Gertsch, Norbert (edited by) Gervink, Manuel (edited by) Gesellschaft for Musikforschung (edited by) Gessner, Erika (edited by) Geszti Péter (words by) Getz, Stan (selected and revised by) Gevaert, François Auguste (edited by) Ghisallo, Luigi di (arranged by) Giacometti, Alberto (translated by) Giazotto, Remo (transcribed and edited by) Giazotto, Remo (transcribed by) Giazotto, Remo (arranged by) Gibbons, Carroll (arranged by) Gibbs, Alan (arranged by) Gibson, James (arranged by) Giefer, Willy (transcribed by) Giegling, Franz (arranged by) Giegling, Franz (edited by) Gies, Oliver (transcribed by) Gies, Oliver (author) Giesbert, Franz Julius (edited by) Giesbert, Franz Julius (edited by) Giesbert, Franz Julius (arranged by) Gieseking, Walter (edited by) Gieseking, Walter (author) Gieseking, Walter (arranged by) Gilbert, David (edited by) Gilbert, Kenneth (edited by) Gilbert, Ray (words by) Giles, Peter (selected and edited by) Gill, Danny (author) Gill, Richard (edited by) Gille, Gottfried (edited by) Gille, Philippe Emile Francois (words by) Gilles-Kircher, Susanne (edited by) Gillespie, James (edited by) Gillespie, Luke (author) Gillespie, Robert (instrumentation by) Gillessen, Klaus (translated by) Gillis, Don (instrumentation by) Gilmore, Scott (arranged by) Gilpin, Greg (arranged by) Gilson, Paul (edited by) Gines, Frede (instrumentation by) Gingold, Norbert (edited by) Ginsburg, Lev S. (edited by) Ginzel, Reiner (edited by) Giovani, Giulia (edited by) Giroud, Vincent (edited by) Girschweiler, Heinz (edited by) Gisela Meyn-Beckmann (edited by) Gisler, Anton (edited by) Gisler-Haase, Barbara (edited by) Gisler-Haase, Barbara (selected by) Gisler-Haase, Barbara (edited by) Giuvo, Nicola (words by) Gjeilo, Ola (arranged by) Glahn, Henrik (edited by) Glaser, Stefan (edited by) Glaser, Stefan (instrumentation by) Gleißner, Rudolf (edited by) Glenn (arranged by) Glenn, W. H. (arranged by) Gliere, Reinhold (author) Glinka, Mihail Ivanovics (author) Glöckler, Tobias (edited by) Glöckner, Andreas (edited by) Glöder, Martin (edited by) Gloger, Hans-Georg (author) Glowatzki, Manfred (edited by) Gluck, Christoph Willibald (Ritter von) (author) Gluexam, Dagmar (edited by) Gluexam, Dagmar (edited by) Glüklikh, Alexander (arranged by) Gmür, Hanspeter (edited by) Gnann, Gerhard (edited by) Gnessin, Michail F. (edited by) Godár, Vladimir (edited by) Goden, Peter (transcribed by) Goden, Peter (edited by) Godman, Stanley (arranged by) Godman, Stanley (edited by) Goebel, Georg (edited by) Goebel, Johannes (edited by) Goebels, Franzpeter (edited by) Goebels, Franzpeter (edited by) Goehmann, Lutz (edited by) Goehr, Alexander (author) Goemanne, Noël (arranged by) Goens, Jan (edited by) Goering, Reinhard (edited by) Goering, Reinhard (words by) GoerVoc., Horst / Reinking, Wilhelm (arranged by) GoerVoc., Horst / Reinking, Wilhelm (edited by) Goes, Albrecht (edited by) Goes, Albrecht (words by) Goess, Martin (arranged by) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (words by) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Claudius, Matthias / EichendOrff instr., Joseph von (words by) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von/ Waiser, Martin (words by) Goethel, Folker (edited by) Goetze, Mary (edited by) Goetze, Mary (arranged by) Gohl Moser, Käthi (edited by) Göhler, Georg (arranged by) Gold, Arthur (arranged by) Goldberg, Sandra (edited by) Goldberger, David (arranged by) Goldberger, David (edited by) Goldhan, Wolfgang (edited by) Goldini, Carlo (words by) Goldoni, Carlo (words by) Goldsby, John (author) Goldsby, John (edited by) Goldston, Margaret (arranged by) Goldston, Margaret (arranged by) Goll, Ivan (words by) Göllner, Marie Louise (edited by) Golson, Benny (author) Goltermann, Georg (transcribed by) Goltermann, Georg (author) Goltermann, George (arranged by) Golubev Anatolij (edited by) Gölz, Richard (edited by) Gölz, Tanja (edited by) Gómez, E. (arranged by) Gomme, Austin Harvey (edited by) Gomme, Austin Harvey (transcribed by) Gönyey Sándor (compiled by) Gonzalez Bordonaba, Marta (edited by) Goodin, Glenda (arranged by) Goodman, Benny (author) Goodwin, Gordon (instrumentation by) Goodwin, Gordon (arranged by) Goodyear, Stephen (edited by) Goodyear, Stephen Frederick (edited by) Goossens, Leon (arranged by) Gordon, Dexter (author) Gordon, Lorraine (author) Gordon, Philip (instrumentation by) Gordon, Phillip (instrumentation by) Gore, Harold R. (arranged by) Górecka, Anna (edited by) Gorenberg, Steve (transcribed by) Gorini, Roberto (edited by) Gorp, Fons van () Gortheil, Bernhard (author) Goßen, Paul (arranged by) Goss, Glenda D. (edited by) Gossec, François-Joseph (author) Gossett, Philip (edited by) Götsch, Georg (edited by) Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm (words by) Gottlieb, Jack (arranged by) Gottron, Adam (edited by) Gottron, Adam (edited by) Göttsche, Gunther Martin (edited by) Göttsche, Heinz Markus (edited by) Gottschick, Anna M (translated by) Gottschick, Sebastian (arranged by) Gottwald, Clytus (arranged by) Gottwald, Heinz (edited by) Gould, Glenn Herbert (arranged by) Goulet, Anne-Madeleine (edited by) Gounod, Charles (author) Gounod, Charles (arranged by) Gout, Alan (arranged by) Gout, Alan (edited by) Gout, Alan (instrumentation by) Gower, William (arranged by) Gower, William (edited by) Grabner, Hermann (edited by) Grabócz Miklós (edited by) Grabowski, Christophe (edited by) Grabs, Manfred (edited by) Grace, Harvey (arranged by) Gradenwitz, Peter E. (edited by) Gradenwitz, Peter E. (arranged by) Graebner, Ric (edited by) Graef, Friedemann (arranged by) Graeser, Wolfgang (arranged by) Graeser, Wolfgang (edited by) Graeser, Wolfgang (edited by) Graetzer, Guillermo (edited by) Graf, Adolf (edited by) Graf, Adolf (arranged by) Graf, Peter-Lukas (edited by) Graf, Peter-Lukas (edited by) Graf, Peter-Lukas (arranged by) Graffin, Philippe (edited by) Grain, Joe (instrumentation by) Grain, Joe (arranged by) Grainger, George Percy Aldridge (arranged by) Grainger, Murray (edited by) Grama, Shannon M. (transcribed by) Grammenos, Dionysis (arranged by) Grampp, Florian (edited by) Gramß, Knut (edited by) Grandi, G. (painted by) Grandis, Martje (transcribed by) Grandjany, Marcel (edited by) Grant, Lily (arranged by) Grapenthin, Ulf (edited by) Grassel, Jack (instrumentation by) Grassel, Jack (author) Grassni, H. (edited by) Grateful Dead (author) Grau, Andreas (edited by) Graulich, Günter (edited by) Graupner, Christoph (author) Gray, Cecil (translated by) Gray, Donald (edited by) Gray, Vera (edited by) Grebe, Karl (edited by) Grebosz-Haring, Katarzyna (edited by) Grechesky, Robert (instrumentation by) Green, John W. (author) Greening, Anthony (edited by) Gregory, Charles (edited by) Greiffenberg, Catharina R (words by) Grempler, Martina (edited by) Grendelmeier, Alex (translated by) Greven, Christoph (arranged by) Grevenbroek, Ton van (instrumentation by) Grevenbroek, Ton van (arranged by) Grieg, Edvard (author) Grieg, Edvard (composer) Griepenkerl, Friedrich Conrad (edited by) Griese, Friedrich (words by) Griesheimer, Bjoern (arranged by) Griffin, Julie (instrumentation by) Griffiths, Graham (edited by) Grillo, Fernando (arranged by) Grimani, Vincenzo (words by) Grimm, Hartmut (edited by) Grimm, Heinrich (words by) Grimmer, Walter (edited by) Grimo, Steven (arranged by) Grischkat, Hans (edited by) Gritton, Peter (instrumentation by) Groeger, Bertrand (author) Groeger, Bertrand (edited by) Groener, Ulrich (edited by) Groenke, Kadja (edited by) Gröger, Anthony (arranged by) Grondona, Stefano (edited by) Gronefeld, Ingo (edited by) Grönemeyer, Herbert (author) Gronquist, Robert (edited by) Groote, August de (edited by) Groote, Inga Mai (edited by) Gros, Stefan (edited by) Groß, Uwe-Karsten (edited by) Großberger, Veronika (edited by) Großmann, Linde (edited by) Großpietsch, Christoph (edited by) Grote, Gottfried (edited by) Groth, Klaus (words by) Grotthuß, Dietrich Ewald (author) Grubb, Francis (edited by) Grubb, Margaret (edited by) Gruber, Gernot (words by) Gruber, Gernot (edited by) Gruber, Rudolf (edited by) Gruenberg, Immanuela (edited by) Gruener, Micaela (edited by) Gruener, Micaela (author) Gruener, Micaela (arranged by) Gruenfeldová, Erna (edited by) Grundman, Clare (arranged by) Grundman, Clare (edited by) Grünert, Matthias (transcribed by) Grünert, Matthias (arranged by) Grunow, Hans (words by) Grunwald, Herbert (arranged by) Grüß, Hans (edited by) Grusnick, Bruno (edited by) Grützmacher, Friedrich (edited by) Grützmacher, Friedrich (transcribed by) Grützmacher, Friedrich (arranged by) Gryaznov, Vyacheslav (arranged by) Gryphius, Andreas (words by) Gschwendtner, Hermann (edited by) Gschwendtner, Hermann (edited by) Guarini, Giovanni B (words by) Gudefin, Jordan (arranged by) Gudger, William D. (edited by) Gugel, Eugen (edited by) Guillard, Nicolas-François (words by) Guillen, Jeff (arranged by) Guillevic, Eugéne (words by) Guillou, Jean (arranged by) Guilloux, Fabien (edited by) Guilmant, Félix-Alexandre (edited by) Gülke, Peter (edited by) Gulya, Robert (arranged by) Gulyás Pál (words by) Gulzar (words by) Gümbel, Martin (edited by) Günderrode, Karoline von (words by) Gunnar Mossblad (arranged by) Gunod, Nathaniel (arranged by) GUNS N' ROSES (author) Günter Lorenz (edited by) Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovich (author) Gurgel, Anne Marlene (edited by) Gurgeler, Ottmar (words by) Gurlitt, Cornelius (author) Gurlitt, Wilibald (edited by) Gurlitt, Wilibald (edited by) Gustafson, Grant (arranged by) Gustafson, Grant (edited by) Gustorff, Sophia (edited by) Gutierrez-Denhoff, Martella (edited by) Güttler, Ludwig (edited by) Gutzeit, Susanne von (edited by) Guzmán, Juan Tony (arranged by) Gyárfás Endre (words by) Gyenge Enikő (edited by) Gyenge Enikő (continuo realized by) Gyenge Enikő (piano accompaniment by) Gyenge Gy. (edited by) György, Sándor (transcribed by) Győri István (arranged and edited by)