ABBA Adams, Bryan Adkins, Adele Adu, Sade Aguilera, Christina Ahrens, Lynn Allen, Lily Allen, Tony Amorosi, Vanessa Amos, Tori Anastacia Anderson, Kristen Andersson, Benny Andre, Fabian Andrews, Michael Apple, Fiona Arlen, Harold Armstrong, Louis Ashman, Howard Athlete Atkins, Chet Aznavour, Charles Bacharach, Burt Backstreet Boys Badelt, Klaus Badly Drawn Boy Baez, Joan Bailey Rae, Corinne Baker, Kenneth Ballard, Glen Band Aid 20 Barlow, Abigail Barlow, Gary Barratt, Carol Barry, John Bart, Lionel Bassey, Shirley Bastien, James Batiste, Jon Bear, Emily Beck, Christophe Bedingfield, Natasha BEE GEES Bellowhead Berlin, Irving Bernstein, Leonard Beswick, Aubrey BEYONCE Bieber, Justin BLIGE, MARY JANE Blunt, James Bocelli, Andrea Bock, Jerry Bon Jovi Boublil, Alain Boulay, Isabelle Bowen, Jeff Bowie, David Boyd, Bill BOYZONE Brassens, Georges Brel, Jacques Bricusse, Leslie Brooks, Mel Brower, Russel BROWN, JAMES Brown, Norman Buble, Michael Buckley, Jeff Cain, Jonathan Callas, Maria Cara, Irene Card, Michael CAREY, MARIAH Casey, Warren Cash, Johnny Cassidy, Eva Cast, Glee Catatonia CAVE, NICK Celtic Woman Chambers, G. CHAPMAN, TRACY Chappell, Herbert Charles, Ray Chas & Dave Churchill, Frank Cincotti, Peter Clapton, Eric Clarke, Herbert Clarkson, Kelly Clayderman, Richard Cline, Patsy Cochran, Eddie Cohen, Leonard COLDPLAY Cole, Nat King Coleman, Cy Coleman, Cy & Fields, Dorothy Collins, Phil Coltrane, John Cornick, Mike Costello, Elvis COULTER, PHIL CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Croce, Jim Crosby, Bing Crowded House Cullum, Jamie Cyrus, Miley Daft Punk David, Craig David, Mack Davies, Niki Davis, Robert Davis, Sammy Jr. DC TALK de Burgh, Chris De Fries Károly Debussy, Claude Dempsey, John Dennis, Cathy Denver, John DEPECHE MODE Dido Dietrich, Marlene Dion, Celine Dixon, Kyle Dragons, Imagine Drewe, Anthony Dublin, A DUFFY Dumont, Charles Dury, Ian Dylan, Bob Earth, Wind & Fire Ebb, Fred Echt Eilish, Billie ELBOW Elek szilvia Elfman, Danny Ellington, Duke Elton, Ben Emerson, Lake & Palmer ENYA Eurythmics Evans, Bill FALL OUT BOY Fernández Díaz, José Fernández Fitzgerald, Ella Flaherty, Stephen FLANDERS, MICHAEL Florence + the Machine Fonsi, Luis Fool's Garden Forest, George Formby, George Forrest, George FOSTER, MICK Franco, Germaine Franklin, Aretha Freed, Alan GABRIELLE Garland, Judy Garrett, Siedah Gates, Gareth Geldof, Bob GENESIS Gerrard, Lisa Gershwin, George Gershwin, Ira Gilkyson, Terry GIRLS ALOUD Goldrich, Zina Gorelick, Kenneth Gorillaz Goulding, Ellie Graham, Brendan Grande, Ariana GRANT, AMY Grant, Eddy Grateful Dead Gray, David Gray, Macy Green Day GREEN, KEITH Greenfield, Howard Gregson-Williams, Harry Groban, Josh Groenemeyer, Herbert Grusin, Dave Guaraldi, Vince Halen, Eddie van Ham, Pete Hamlisch, Marvin Hammerstein II, Oscar Hammerstein, Oscar Harburg, E. Y. Harburg, Yip Harline, Leigh Harnick, Sheldon Harris, Calvin Hart, Lorenz Haskell, Gordon Hawkins, Edwin R. Heisler, Marcy Hendrix, Jimi Henson, Jim Herb Brown, Nacio Herman, Jerry Heumann, Hans-Günter Hirschhorn, Joel Hoffman, Al Holdstock, Jan Holdsworth, Allan Holiday, Billie Horner, James Hornsby, Bruce Houston, Whitney Howard, Ben Hupfeld, Herman Hynde, Steinberg Idle, Eric Iglesias, Enrique Iglesias, Julio Ingram, James Jackson, Michael Jacobs, Jim Jamiroquai, Lucy Holliday Jenkins, Karl JETHRO TULL Jobim, Antonio Carlos Joel, Billy John, Elton Johnson, Jack Jones, Norah Jones, Tom Joyce, Paul K. Jules, Gary Kahn, Gus Kander, John Kasha, Al Keating, Ronan Kelly Kelly, Robert Kern, Jérôme Keys, Alicia Kilcher, Jewel King, Ben E. King, Carole Kleban, Edward Knopfler, Mark Knowles, Beyonce Krall, Diana Krauss, Alison Kretzmer, Herbert Krieger, Henry LADY GAGA Lambert, Lisa LANA DEL REY Larson, Jonathan Lauper, Cyndi Laurie, Hugh Lavigne, Avril Lawrence, David LED ZEPPELIN Legend, John Legrand, Michel Leiber, Jerry Lennon, John Lerner, Alan Jay Lewis, Leona Lin-Manuel Miranda; Opetaia Foai; Mark Mancina Linkin Park Lippa, Andrew Livingston, Jerry LIZZO Lloyd Webber, Andrew Lloyd, T. Loewe, Frederick Longhair, Proffessor Lopez, Kristen Anderson Lopez, Robert Lown, Judy Luce, Renan Lynn, Vera MacColl, Ewan MacDermot, Galt Madness MADONNA Mancini, Henry Marina & The Diamonds Marley, Bob Marsh, Lin Marx, Jeff Maschwitz, Eric MATCHBOX TWENTY McCartney, Paul McDermot, Galt McFly McHugh, Jimmy McKenzie, Timothy McLachlan, Sarah MEAT LOAF Melanie, Chisholm Melua, Katie Mendes, Shawn Menken, Alan METALLICA Metheny, Pat Michael, George Michaels, Julia Midler, Bette Miles, John Miller, Glenn Minogue, Kylie Miranda, Lin-Manuel Mitchell, Joni Moby Mole, Gavin Monroe, Marilyn Moore, Dudley Moore, Edward Morandi, Gianni Morissette, Alanis Morricone, Ennio Morrison, Greg Morrison, Van Mueller-Westernhagen, Marius Muse Newman, Randy Newseekers Nilsson, Harry Norman, Monty Novello, Ivor Nutini, Paolo O'Brien, Richard O'Keefe, Laurence OASIS Odell, Tom One Republic Ono, Yoko Orbison, Roy Orton, Beth Parks, Alex Parton, Dolly Pasek, Benj Patrol, Snow Paul, Justin Pausini, Laura Penniman, Mika Pentatonix PET SHOP BOYS Peyroux, Madeleine PHISH Piaf, Edith Piazzolla, Astor Pink Floyd Pink, Leonard Pitts, John Plant, Robert Pockriss, Lee Porter, Cole Potter, Grace Presley, Elvis PRINCE Pur Queen R.E.M. RADIOHEAD Rag'n' Bone Man Red Hot Chili Peppers Redding, Otis Reilly, Paddy REM Rice, Damien Rice, Tim Richard, Cliff Richie, Lionel Ridgley, Sara Robertson, Ed Robin, Leo Robinson, Smokey Rodgers, Richard Ronson, Mark Ronstadt, Linda Rota, Nino Rowe, Dana Rubin, Rose N. Russell, Willy S CLUB 7 Samsel, Elyssa Sandé, Emeli Satriani, Joe Schmidt, Harvey Schon, Neal Schönberg, Claude-Michel Schwandt, Willy Schwartz, Stephen Scissor, Sisters Scouting For Girls Seal Secret Garden Sedaka, Neil Shaiman, Marc Shakira Sheeran, Ed Sheik, Duncan Shepherd, Vonda Sherman, Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. Sherwin, Manning Shore, Howard Silverchair Simon and Garfunkel Simon, Carly Simon, Paul Simone, Nina Simply Red Sinatra, Frank Skellern, Peter Smith, John Stafford Smith, Sam Snow Patrol Sondheim, Stephen Spalding, Esperanza Spandau Ballet Spears, Britney Spice Girls Springfield, Dusty Springsteen, Bruce Squeeze St. Michael, Mick. Stein, Michael Stevens, Cat Stewart, Dave Stewart, Rod Stiles, George Stillman, Michael Sting Stone, Joss Streisand, Barbra Stromae Strouse, Charles Styne, Jule Swann, Donald Swift, Taylor T.A.T.U. Take That Talbot, Joby Temperton, Rod Texas THE BEACH BOYS THE BEATLES The Beautiful South The Blockheads THE CARPENTERS THE CHARLATANS THE CHOIRBOYS THE CORRS THE DOORS THE EAGLES THE FEELING The Four Seasons THE HELLECASTERS THE KILLERS THE KINKS THE LIGHTNING SEEDS The Muppets THE OFFSPRING The Pogues THE POLICE The Rolling Stones THE STEREOPHONICS THE SUPREMES THE VERVE THE WHO Torme, Mel Train Travis Trenet, Charles Tunstall, Kate Turner, Tina U2 UB40 Ulvaeus, Björn Ure, Midge Usher Vai, Steve Vallance, Jim Valli, Frankie Various Vaucaire, Michel Vinson, Harvey Wainwright III, Loudon Waits, Tom Wallace, Oliver Waters, Roger WEEZER Weill, Kurt Weller, Paul Wells, Robert Werner, Petra Malou Westlife, Jos Groban Whittman, Scott Wildhorn, Frank Wilkina, Jack Williams, John Williams, Paul Williams, Robbie Williams, Spencer Willson, Meredith Winehouse, Amy Wittman, Scott Wonder, Stevie Wright, Robert Yankee, Daddy Yanni YOUNG, NEIL Zabaleta, Nicanor Zappa, Frank Zerkovitz Béla Zimmer, Hans Zippel, David (author) ABBA (author) Adams, Bryan (author) Adkins, Adele (author) Agay, Denes (edited by) Ahrens, Lynn (author) André, Fabrizio De (author) Arlen, Harold () Bacharach, Burt (author) Bastien, James (arranged by) Battiato, Franco (author) Battisti, Lucio (author) BEE GEES (author) Billmann, Pete (transcribed by) Black, Don (words by) Bowie, David (author) BOYZONE (author) Buble, Michael () Bye, Uwe (arranged by) CAREY, MARIAH (author) Carreras, Jose (author) Carson Turner, Barrie (arranged by) Carson Turner, Barrie (edited by) Cassidy, Eva (author) Clayderman, Richard (author) Coates, Dan (arranged by) Collins, Phil (author) Crow, Sheryl (author) Cyrus, Miley (author) Dalla, Lucio (author) Diamond, Neil (author) Dion, Celine () Duke, Derek (words by) Dylan, Bob (author) Ebb, Fred (words by) Elfman, Danny (arranged by) Freed, Arthur (words by) Gardel, Carlos (author) Gershwin, George (author) Gershwin, Ira (author) Hamlisch, Marvin (author) Hammerstein II, Oscar (words by) Hammerstein, Oscar (author) Hampton, Christopher (words by) Hart, Lorenz () Holiday, Billie (author) Holly, Buddy (author) Hurwitz, Justin (transcribed by) Jackson, Michael (author) Jobim, Antonio Carlos (author) Joel, Billy (author) John, Elton () Jones, Norah (author) King, B.B. (author) Krall, Diana (author) Lee, Peggy (author) Lerner, Alan Jay (words by) Lopez, Kristen Anderson (author) Lopez, Robert (author) Lowry, Todd (arranged and edited by) MacDonald, Amy (arranged by) Marley, Bob (author) Mitchell, Joni (author) Monk, Thelonious (author) Nelson, Lukas (author) Pasek, Benj (transcribed by) Paul, Justin (transcribed by) Porter, Cole (author) Presley, Elvis (author) Red Hot Chili Peppers (author) Rice, Tim (words by) Rodgers, Richard (author) Rogers, Richard (author) Simone, Nina (author) Singer, Lou (arranged by) Slater, Glenn (words by) Springfield, Dusty (author) Stevens, Cat (author) Sting (author) Stocker, Dave (transcribed by) Swift, Taylor (author) THE BEATLES (author) THE POLICE (author) Various (author) Waller, Thomas Fats (author) Weidmann, Ulf (arranged by) Williams, John (author) Williams, Paul (author) Winehouse, Amy (author) Wonder, Stevie (author)