Vivaldi, Antonio: Concerti per violino, archi e basso continuo

RV 320, RV 378, RV 745 opere Incomplete, Critical Edition by OlIVier Fourés

complete edition

类型: Stage Work
时期: Baroque
难度: 3
页数: 76 页
Weight: 0.226 kg
首次出版: 2017
出版者: Ricordi
刊物代码: PR00143700
其他出版代码: PR 00143700
ISMN: 9790041914374
Critical edition by Olivier Fourés. Among the hundreds of violin concertos written by Vivaldi, which stand at the centre of his activity as a virtuoso, there are three that are in part incomplete: RV 370, RV 378 and RV 745. While only a portion of the first movement has survived in the case of RV 378, RV 320 lacks only a few bars at the end of its third movement, and only the last movement of RV 745 is extant. Incompleteness of this nature does, however, result in performable and perfectly enjoy



邮编: 102445
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